Pep: 'The players deserve a full stadium, we need our fans!'

Yeah that's all fair enough. I think he gets so consumed in ensuring everything's in place to maximise the chance of victory and he considers a full stadium as part of this.

I was there last night with my Dad and we both commented on the atmosphere being good.

Poor timing with all things considered and not fully understanding our issues with UEFA.

Implying we should just get over it will piss sections of our support off and understandably so.

But the sentiment of having a full stadium packed to rafters, roaring on the blues ala Hamburg does make sense.

Its one of those situations where he is both right and wrong weirdly enough mate.
We don't even need to jump up and down. Just turn our backs and link arms and stay silent. Message loud and clear and fans can then pump up the volume when game kicks off........
What's wrong with a few banners so the rest of the world knows what it's about? Hold them up while the cameras pan around the stadium and the cameras will pick it up(I don't think UEFA will have the authority to tell them what they can and can't show). I still think a lot of the booers just think it's funny to stick it to "the man" and don't actually know what they are supposed to be angry about.
I see the rags are so concerned about an empty stadium in the Europa league that they have sent begging letters to every school in the north west offering discounted tickets
But if it had been CL, they would probably sell out. The point iis that the team and the club hierarchy are no longer small time and parochial about it and the fans should follow suit. I was talking to a Rag in the summer who was on and on about how insular City fans are when it comes to this and how we don't deserve the success. Unfortunately, he was rhalf way right. Plus I'm sick and tired of the Rags and Talk Shite going on about empty seats. It detracts from a stunning performance in the game last night and it's given the opposition an excuse to slag us off.

Cue the Pep is right, your fans are shite" songs. Lets not give them the opportunity.
Do we even know what the problem is for attendance of CL games? Is it that people are reserving seats and not taking them leaving the club no time to sell them? Is it that the club aren't doing a good job advertising the availability of tickets to those fans on waiting list and those in the Manchester area who can't usually afford to go much?
That's a suggestion that hasn't been approved yet isn't it? In which case that's not something which UEFA has actually done since nothing has come of it yet.

Anyway we all have our priorities and values and for me:

The club >>>> any entitled super fan.

Most definitely PEP>>>> ANY fan out there no matter how big a fan they think they are or how many games they've been to he's more important. He's improving the club and taking us places, where as on the otherhand a few moanie superfans are just creating a bad smell that everyone else has to put up with while they try and enjoy the journey... Easy decision as to which side of the fence I'm on. :)

Well said - I think that people kicking off as if they have been terribly insulted in some way are either people that just want everybody to know what a big fan they are or very over-sensitive.

We have a big issue - it is not going to go away overnight - might need a good few years - perhaps a generation - but people ignoring the issue and getting testy when other want to discuss it have a confusing position for me.

If they don't want to discuss it fine - don't but they shouldn't see to prevent others

If they are personally offended - why? The concerns are not aimed at them - unless they are one of those that leave with more than 10mins left

Ones that make me smile are those that are moaning about people moaning
Well said - I think that people kicking off as if they have been terribly insulted in some way are either people that just want everybody to know what a big fan they are or very over-sensitive.

We have a big issue - it is not going to go away overnight - might need a good few years - perhaps a generation - but people ignoring the issue and getting testy when other want to discuss it have a confusing position for me.

If they don't want to discuss it fine - don't but they shouldn't see to prevent others

If they are personally offended - why? The concerns are not aimed at them - unless they are one of those that leave with more than 10mins left

Ones that make me smile are those that are moaning about people moaning
:-O Moi?

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I don't suppose its a surprise that some of our fans think City fans are special and unique. All clubs fans think that and City fans thinking we are special is part of our problem, to quote from an earlier post.
Stop booing? Fuck off. We're City, we're barmy (there must be a song there somewhere), we do daft stuff and that's what makes us different from the rest of 'em. PC brigade out in force, lets not upset UEFA, lets be positive and cow down to the bigwigs in Geneva. Fuck right off.

Sorry mate, we're City and we do things differently here..

There is nothing unique to any of that and someone can correct me if I am wrong but 30 years ago I watched a Bolton v Newcastle cup game where the Bolton fans were chanting we're Barmy etc. Read this thread and others and City fans want to be part of a big club and proud of our fans, maybe we should just accept that whilst we have arrived so far as the club and players are concerned the fan base has a long way to go.
No that was sarcasm mate haha. ;)

I'm not picking out anybody in particular anyway or I'd imagine that's bannable(and probably unfair to do so as I could be wrong), just saying we could maybe do without a lot of that every time there's a clear divide of opinion.

Yeah maybe it wasn't the time for it but people shouldn't take it personally(we seem to hold grudges so easy it's scary, some have overreacted and we should move on quickly), he wants to show City in the best light on the biggest stage, the Club wants it too none of us are more important than the club or the manager if we are being down to earth about it.

The timing from Pep was piss poor, and if it was a club instruction, even worse. Pablo1 is right, the booing is more pantomime now, certainly in my block in SS116, so no big deal if it dwindles out. But, calling out our fans like that, under exceptional circumstances, just doesn't sit well with me. One look at the papers this morning (e.g. Daily Fail, why did only 30,000 turn up?) makes my blood boil. Personally, I would have been looking at travelling around 1,000 miles in a week on 4 trips to support my club. As it turns out I will be doing only 750 miles in 3 trips, part time bastard that I am..
I definitely think the timing of the remarks is wrong.

Completely agree mate. I said very early on in the thread he was wrong to come out with it and if its the club pushing the narrative, they are completely wrong as well.

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