Pep: 'The players deserve a full stadium, we need our fans!'

The current match attending fan base is very different to that when we first moved from Maine Rd.

The match attending fan base immediately before we left Maine Rd was very different to that 15 years earlier, in the era before all seater stadia.

The match attending fan base 30 years ago was very different from the match attending fan base in the 50s and early 60s.

No doubt in 15 years time the recent "newbies" and "plastics" will be complaining that the new fans in the 2030's are very different to them.

The club loses 2-3,000 fans every year. Mostly for reasons which have very little to do with the club, more about the impact of death, old age, kids and careers. In order to survive and prosper the club has to attract new fans, who will be different to the ones that they replace and will inevitably change the culture of the club.
We'll have to cut Pep some slack, he's used to this....

If you look carefully they have fans orchestrating the songs etc, one guy in grey facing towards and one in white as do most continental sides.

If it gets folk going then fuck it, why not?
i dont think that would be a good idea, more than likely you would get fans flogging them off or have situation where people can't get tickets for more competitive ties. if season ticket holders can't be bothered then citizens should be the ones that benefit.

It worked fine last season. You can't give away tickets for the lower profile games mate.

The Club would have tougher buying restrictions for the bigger games like one per person for the semi final.
Ok so in simple terms you said "mutually exclusive" which mean both statements cannot be true yes?

1) They got the message on one hand because we heard they were thinking about taking action against the club for it but quickly backed off because of the wider reaction to the possibility of it.

2) On the other hand I said people are clutching at straws as to a reason to continue in spite of them getting the message... that being proposed changes by a minority of members from UEFA(that consists of many members I thought) that have not been approved and in my opinion wont be approved.

How can you not see the statements were not mutually exclusive?

Flogging a dead horse seems to me the absolute antithesis of complaining about things that haven't happened yet. They are of necessity mutually exclusive. That said, I respect your right to disagree, perhaps we should leave it there.

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