Pep: 'The players deserve a full stadium, we need our fans!'

I disagree with the setting a negative precedent. In fact in previous years we've been encouraged to continue the booing. Something has obviously changed this season and now it seems everyone with a 'voice' has had the same memo.
I've no problem with that, if the club have decided it's time to move on they're within their rights to ask the fans to do the same. They might want to consider that blues aren't very good at being told what to do though so they might want to go about it in a different way.

It'd be nice for the club to come out and engage the fans on this subject one way or another. I know Pep has said his bit after the game on Wednesday but for once it would be helpful to all involved if the club made their stance clear in a way that doesn't alienate the fanbase.
So self interest trumps taking a principled stance? Corruption at UEFA no longer affects us so we should move on and forget about it? Not for me I'm afraid.
So self interest trumps taking a principled stance? Corruption at UEFA no longer affects us so we should move on and forget about it? Not for me I'm afraid.
I can only speak for myself and wouldn't dream of telling others what to do.
So self interest trumps taking a principled stance? Corruption at UEFA no longer affects us so we should move on and forget about it? Not for me I'm afraid.

No. You have to know when to stop in order that the initial protest has the maximum impact. That time is now. If we carry on now it's playing into UEFA's hands.
A large portion of those 'proper' fans you talk about were older though. Most of the people around me in EL3 are in their 40's/50's/60's and they are there every week. It's the lack of fresh faces that's the problem, not those who have been following us for decades.
I'm in my fifties myself but I know it's time for the younger fans to start putting their identity on the club. Not to forget our history and loyalty of our older fanbase but not to let it define us as a club. The 1894 group have been trying hard for a good number of seasons now to improve the atmosphere with a lot of resistance from the grumpy old men. The other nights atmosphere was fantastic because of them. They have now earned the right with me.
Time to shine young fellas, let's get our stadium rocking again and full to the rafters.
As for UEFA, we will definitely win the Champion's league soon and become part of the elite. All this comes with success. We should be proud of our support in the past but ffs embrace the change and success because you love Manchester City FC and stop being STUCK in the past because you loved being there when we were shit.

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The new line of thinking at the club is that if City play nice UEFA will stop screwing City over. As if that's going to stop David Gill and City getting the toughest draw every single year.
The new line of thinking at the club is that if City play nice UEFA will stop screwing City over. As if that's going to stop David Gill and City getting the toughest draw every single year.

Sorry that's nonsense. The line of thinking is know when to fight your battles and when to leave it and win the war. Our owners are incredibly powerful and clever I don't think people realise the circles they move in.. UEFA and Gill are nothing to them.
I think in typical City supporter fashion there'll be those who basically feel he shouldn't be telling us how to behave as he's only been at the club five minutes. I'm with you though. He's the absolute boss and we should just listen to him

Respectfully disagree. Here's been here 5 minutes, as you say, and I'll eat my hat if he's still here in 5 years' time. You, me and many on this forum alone will still be going, just as we were going long before him. Pep is not the messiah.
Respectfully disagree. Here's been here 5 minutes, as you say, and I'll eat my hat if he's still here in 5 years' time. You, me and many on this forum alone will still be going, just as we were going long before him. Pep is not the messiah.

He is trying to bring the whole club together so we fight as one. I absolutely agree with him. If you think your opinion is more important because you have supported City longer than Pep has been here as a Manager then that's up to you but I would respectfully disagree with you too.
No. You have to know when to stop in order that the initial protest has the maximum impact. That time is now. If we carry on now it's playing into UEFA's hands.
Yep, because UEFA would never again introduce a regulation designed to benefit the elite clubs would they?
With the football we are playing now they will be full houses in the future, il bet my left bollock on it.

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