Pep's contract situation

I like certain players and managers in fact i really like some of them but they are players and managers at the end of the day, they come and go and despite the odd badge kiss here and there, they couldn't give a flying fuck about the club in the main because its a job and they are here because we offered the best deal and when someone else drops their knickers, they want to move on.
Not Yaya though ;o)
Im like you in that im of a certain age (46 next month) and have seen far more shit watching City than i have good.

I like certain players and managers in fact i really like some of them but they are players and managers at the end of the day, they come and go and despite the odd badge kiss here and there, they couldn't give a flying fuck about the club in the main because its a job and they are here because we offered the best deal and when someone else drops their knickers, they want to move on.

The Club and us fans are the one constant and we should never forget that. We support City, not some player or manager over the club.

Some peolple seem to confuse this internet forum with the stadium on match day. The whole purpose of the site is so people can discuss / argue about the various merits of this and that. Once the match starts everyone's 100 percent behind the players. (Some more vocally than others!!!). Not sure why your getting so agitated about it?

Not Yaya though ;o)

No, not Yaya. Not too sure what to make of this story today because if it was legit, not a chance does his mate Seluk refuse that sort of money given its his last big pay check.

Is Seluk still his agent or did Yaya fuck him off post apology?
Some peolple seem to confuse this internet forum with the stadium on match day. The whole purpose of the site is so people can discuss / argue about the various merits of this and that. Once the match starts everyone's 100 percent behind the players. (Some more vocally than others!!!). Not sure why your getting so agitated about it?

If you think everyone's 100% behind the players at the match I'm moving to near you!! It's he's shit, they're shit, whinge whinge whinge at times in CL3!!
One guy has shouted 'get it bloody forward' at every game since we moved to the etihad, we all sit waiting for it then piss ourselves once it's done. And as for the fat fucker who slates Sterling after 5 minutes of every home game no matter, how he's started I've no idea how I've kept my hands off him.

I had a conversation with a lad at the parade in 2012, he wanted us to win it every year, said it was a failure if we didn't and couldn't grasp that I was happy to have won it and was content to be competing for it every season after, we'd win it plenty of times if we were, no we had to be storming it Year in, year out. It's that mindset that is unrealistic imo, and it doesn't help at all.
Nailed it. You went to the game and pub and had a few hours of it but that was that, until the next game of course but now we have this wonderful site, twatter, facebook, 24 hr news and God knows what else with every man jack thinking they are some kind of expert as they pronounce x,y and z are shit and why this manager and that will never ever work......

It wears you the fuck down!

Haha very true.

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