Pep's contract situation

If you think everyone's 100% behind the players at the match I'm moving to near you!! It's he's shit, they're shit, whinge whinge whinge at times in CL3!!
One guy has shouted 'get it bloody forward' at every game since we moved to the etihad, we all sit waiting for it then piss ourselves once it's done. And as for the fat fucker who slates Sterling after 5 minutes of every home game no matter, how he's started I've no idea how I've kept my hands off him.

I had a conversation with a lad at the parade in 2012, he wanted us to win it every year, said it was a failure if we didn't and couldn't grasp that I was happy to have won it and was content to be competing for it every season after, we'd win it plenty of times if we were, no we had to be storming it Year in, year out. It's that mindset that is unrealistic imo, and it doesn't help at all.
We are Etihad nomads and while their are moaners all over some quite humourous. I can officially. Announce CB level 1 around 122 / 123 seems the worst. Is that near you the 'get it forward' seems to fit ?
Edit just seen your level three
If you think everyone's 100% behind the players at the match I'm moving to near you!! It's he's shit, they're shit, whinge whinge whinge at times in CL3!!
One guy has shouted 'get it bloody forward' at every game since we moved to the etihad, we all sit waiting for it then piss ourselves once it's done. And as for the fat fucker who slates Sterling after 5 minutes of every home game no matter, how he's started I've no idea how I've kept my hands off him.

I had a conversation with a lad at the parade in 2012, he wanted us to win it every year, said it was a failure if we didn't and couldn't grasp that I was happy to have won it and was content to be competing for it every season after, we'd win it plenty of times if we were, no we had to be storming it Year in, year out. It's that mindset that is unrealistic imo, and it doesn't help at all.
What block in CB3 are you mate ?
If you think everyone's 100% behind the players at the match I'm moving to near you!! It's he's shit, they're shit, whinge whinge whinge at times in CL3!!
One guy has shouted 'get it bloody forward' at every game since we moved to the etihad, we all sit waiting for it then piss ourselves once it's done. And as for the fat fucker who slates Sterling after 5 minutes of every home game no matter, how he's started I've no idea how I've kept my hands off him.

I had a conversation with a lad at the parade in 2012, he wanted us to win it every year, said it was a failure if we didn't and couldn't grasp that I was happy to have won it and was content to be competing for it every season after, we'd win it plenty of times if we were, no we had to be storming it Year in, year out. It's that mindset that is unrealistic imo, and it doesn't help at all.

When I used to sit in the nirth stand at maine road.there was a bloke you used to lean against one of the posts shouting fuck off horlock anytime he got close to the ball! On the whole I dont think our fanbase has drasticly changed. We obviously have higher expectations and I posted before about feeling a little more disconected with some of players than I used to. Hopefully when the academy starts to kick in, that will change.
Some peolple seem to confuse this internet forum with the stadium on match day. The whole purpose of the site is so people can discuss / argue about the various merits of this and that. Once the match starts everyone's 100 percent behind the players. (Some more vocally than others!!!). Not sure why your getting so agitated about it?
Good Lord, where do you sit?
I'd love to know who said this? I asked earlier this evening and you haven't responded oddly, cheers.

Sorry for not responding!

I was referring to what Pep was reported to have said a few weeks ago. I realise he didnt use those exact words and was misquoted/ or quoted out of context etc etc.

I just get the feeling that the club as a whole would rather forget, or gloss over our relegations and years of strife, ups and downs etc in the quest to shake off our past and turn us in to a shiny new European giant like barca or bayern.

It sometimes feels like the club is embarrassed by that peroid in our history. Rather than recognising, that is what being a City fan is all about. The good and the bad that has brought us to where we are now. What a fucking journey it has been.

So next time the papers try and spin a story about how likkle oil rich city are ruining football and have years to go to match the magficence of the European elite. Maybe we can turn it round and tell them about our story instead of apologising for our lack of silverware.
Unfortunately, we seem stuck with a majority of fans who don't even seem to enjoy being a City fan these days, which bizarrely seem to deliver its own contentment?
Not sure it's a majority, but I'd say it's a discernible and vocal minority. Bit sad really. If you can't properly enjoy being a City fan in recent years, then seriously, what's the fucking point?
Not sure it's a majority, but I'd say it's a discernible and vocal minority. Bit sad really. If you can't properly enjoy being a City fan in recent years, then seriously, what's the fucking point?

Those of us who were Chelsea fans prior to 2008 are far more mentally capable and ready to deal with the pressures of supporting a top 4 team.
Possibly, but your three years as a Villa fan in the late 90's must have weakened your resolve.

Just a point of order I was only a Villa fan for 2 years and it was at the start of the 80s, it was to break up the boredom of being a Liverpool fan. I was an Arsenal fan in the 90s and then Chelsea in the early 00s. Starting to doubt my latest switch, not enough to get excited about anymore, I mean we havent even signed Messi.

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