Pep's contract situation

If Messi came tomorrow, it wouldn't "fix" us though, would it. He'd come here, show moments of brilliance, but overall just be underwhelming (like he has been in pretty much every world cup game). We'd be no better off as a team and would simply be where we are now only with an even bigger name failing to put us at the top of the world order.

I think it would be the wrong thing to do to sign Messi.

Dear oh dear
I`m trying to lose at least 3 stone mate.This is the heaviest I`ve ever been at 17st 5lbs. Lost 8 pounds already but its just a pity that this funeral has come around,but I`m not going to go daft,probably about 4 pints and that will do.
Honestly I have more than 50 shirts,casual shirts,polo shirts stuck in the wardrobe and only 6 fucking fit me !! Pissed off with it,so cut out all suppers,smaller plates,no butter and so far I`ve not missed any of `em.
I know the feeling. My weights always up and down, but I've got to try and break the cycle, which is, I must confess, always dictated by my relationship status.

Good luck with it fella :-)
What block in CB3 are you mate ?

Me and my lad sit in 326, if he can't make it though my mate bring his lad and they sit there I then sit in 327, must admit it doesn't seem as negative there but these seats are right near the front, mine further back so maybe it's just that I can hear more in my own seats.
When in 327 I'm right behind the monitors so most of the abuse is aimed at the ref as we all get to see what a bollock he's dropped, frequently!!
Me and my lad sit in 326, if he can't make it though my mate bring his lad and they sit there I then sit in 327, must admit it doesn't seem as negative there but these seats are right near the front, mine further back so maybe it's just that I can hear more in my own seats.
When in 327 I'm right behind the monitors so most of the abuse is aimed at the ref as we all get to see what a bollock he's dropped, frequently!!
326 is the best block in the house
Sorry for not responding!

I was referring to what Pep was reported to have said a few weeks ago. I realise he didnt use those exact words and was misquoted/ or quoted out of context etc etc.

I just get the feeling that the club as a whole would rather forget, or gloss over our relegations and years of strife, ups and downs etc in the quest to shake off our past and turn us in to a shiny new European giant like barca or bayern.

It sometimes feels like the club is embarrassed by that peroid in our history. Rather than recognising, that is what being a City fan is all about. The good and the bad that has brought us to where we are now. What a fucking journey it has been.

So next time the papers try and spin a story about how likkle oil rich city are ruining football and have years to go to match the magficence of the European elite. Maybe we can turn it round and tell them about our story instead of apologising for our lack of silverware.

I presume, that's why there are huge posters plastered around the stadium illustrating our history. And how former players like Dickov, Goater and Morrison are invited to the club on a regular basis. And why Mike Summerbee is the club ambassador. I could go on.
93.20 is where it's at, I'm to busy munching on a prawn sandwich to get involved with any rowdyness, but I am known for my sophistication :-)

A mate who now sits next to me was in there last year, he'd been in the same seat for a while but couldn't be arsed moving last year, says he missed more goals because he was always in the bar on the piss.
93.20 is where it's at, I'm to busy munching on a prawn sandwich to get involved with any rowdyness, but I am known for my sophistication :-)

Had an arguement in 93:20 the other week,
Tried to get a pie each for me and my lad,told me I had to buy chips as well,wouldn't just sell me the pies.
Eventually agreed to give me just the pies and asked me for £13.....when I questioned it,they said they had to charge me for the chips as well,even though they wasn't giving me any.

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