Peter Fletcher and stewards (merged)

Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

gio's side step said:
swp80 said:
One of my colleagues has E-mailed the sun, See if they fancy it aha

Did you write a letter to Gary Cook? Or Vicky Kloss? And explain to Fletcher that you were doing so? The press context adds some weight to this. The club won't appreciate negative press on the back of this one incident. You need to keep pushing this as high as possible.

Surely though I have my right of appeal, which I havn't been given, also I can have my right to free speach. what can they ban me for?
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

swp80 said:
gio's side step said:
Did you write a letter to Gary Cook? Or Vicky Kloss? And explain to Fletcher that you were doing so? The press context adds some weight to this. The club won't appreciate negative press on the back of this one incident. You need to keep pushing this as high as possible.

Surely though I have my right of appeal, which I havn't been given, also I can have my right to free speach. what can they ban me for?

I'm on your side 100%. I mean the club won't appreciate this in the sense, it adds more weight to it being sorted out for you should the media angle accelerate. You should be proud of the way you have handled this.
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

ForeverCity said:
who is this fletcher?... a steward?

A typical fucking cop (or ex-cop in his case). Someone who was undoubtedly bullied at school yet maybe got a bit bigger in his late teens and early twenties and thought he was a bit of 'something'. Joins the Police and takes out the years of torment on the general public, whether they deserve it or not, because he can. Obviously taken this into his role with City as well. The type of person (like most dibbles) who don't listen to or won't except facts and will actually take snippets of what he wants from something and aligns that with terms&conditions/rules/the law even if the rest of the facts state that someone is actually innocent. The ultimate example of a fucking spineless twat. Doesn't reply to letters/emails/phone calls, he's unapologetic (even, aheam, especially when 100% in the wrong!), he's just a total scum bag, the lowest form of human.

Does anyone know any dibbles? Thought not! They're all mates with each other and rarely have a circle of friends outside that (what is it supposed to be? 33%?!) bent "force" they work for.

I posted this earlier and I'll post it again:
Khaldoon, if you read this, get Fletcher out of this club!
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

gio's side step said:
swp80 said:
Surely though I have my right of appeal, which I havn't been given, also I can have my right to free speach. what can they ban me for?

I'm on your side 100%. I mean the club won't appreciate this in the sense, it adds more weight to it being sorted out for you should the media angle accelerate. You should be proud of the way you have handled this.

Thank you :) I don't like humiliating the club, but I have been wronged by them, and it needs to be adressed by whoever it can, so that people know that the system is wrong.
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

I read about another Guy from London who went to the same game and was yet again a non smoker being thrown out for smoking, the article was in one of local papers not sure if it was a Trafford or Stockport weekly one, the link was either on here or bluevibe. He also was livid and was going to take a blood test justw ondering if any of you saw it and would it be a good idea to contact him.
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

swp80 said:
gio's side step said:
I'm on your side 100%. I mean the club won't appreciate this in the sense, it adds more weight to it being sorted out for you should the media angle accelerate. You should be proud of the way you have handled this.

Thank you :) I don't like humiliating the club, but I have been wronged by them, and it needs to be adressed by whoever it can, so that people know that the system is wrong.

Fuck humiliating the club. Mate, we are the club. The supporters. Not some ex copper with an agenda who happens to work for the thing we represent in our thousands. Keep at it.
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

Sorry it was actually the Notts County game:

Fan vows never to set foot in Eastlands again after smoking charge
9:34am Thursday 24th February 2011

Print Email Share Comments(3) Exclusive By Robert Downes »

A LIFELONG Manchester City fan who regularly travels from London to watch his beloved team has said he won’t set foot in Eastlands again after being thrown out by stewards following claims he was seen smoking.

Anthony Flynn, a senior quantity surveyor with a multi-national company, was at the Nottingham County FA Cup match game on Sunday with his dad, his brother, and his 10-year-old niece, who all live in Sale, as part of a family trip out.

The 39-year-old had just been enjoying a half time pint with his brother and had nipped to the toilet, but on exiting was approached by four security guards and accused of smoking in the toilets.

“The four security stewards asked me to follow them,” he said. “I was then placed next to an exit and told I had been viewed smoking in the toilet by an undercover steward, was asked for my season card and ejected from the ground.

“I did tell them I did not actually smoke but they ignored what I said and told me the club would now write to me stating what the penalty would be.

He added: “To be humiliated in such a way without the opportunity to defend myself is beyond belief, and after supporting them for all my life I will probably never go to see them again.”

Anthony, who has never smoked and says if he had been searched they would have found no cigarettes, says his young niece was left distraught thinking he had been taken to prison, while the episode ruined the day for the rest of his family too. He says he is now seeking legal advice.

Messenger put the case to the club, and a spokesman said: “The Club is currently investigating the matter internally. Once complete, the Club will contact Mr Flynn in due course.”
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

Stadium & Safety Manager:
Peter Fletcher
Telephone No: 0161 438 7684

Have you tried to call him and have a chat? Suspect his PA will answer. Peter doesnt take calls you know. He's a bit like the Queen in that respect.
Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards

BillyMC said:
Stadium & Safety Manager:
Peter Fletcher
Telephone No: 0161 438 7684

Have you tried to call him and have a chat? Suspect his PA will answer. Peter doesnt take calls you know. He's a bit like the Queen in that respect.

Don't want to speak to him, I'v give him his chance in various E-mails and hes just been totally arrogant towards me
Peter Fletcher and stewards part 2 ***ALL BLUES READ***

Following on from the thread regarding Mr Fletcher I will describe what sadly happened to myself, and the disgraceful way Mr Fletcher seems unable to even offer an apology to myself for the way his "target hitting" stewarding team seems to operate.

Here is the letter I sent

Dear Mr Fletcher

I was arrested at the Birmingham City home game in relation to an alleged offence at the Manchester City vs Manchester United home game and contacted Mr Danny Wilson immediately stating all facts ,he told me to await a letter from yourself and then reply once the police investigation was complete. I then received a letter from yourself stating the suspension of my account, I would like to bring a number of points to your attention and the inevitable outcome of the police proceedings.

I was arrested inside the ground and charged with "throwing a firework at a sporting event" at the home game vs Manchester United. The steward in question who made the allegation made a statement which was fully evaluated by myself and my solicitor and contained numerous questionable facts.

Firstly I was alleged to have thrown the firework at another steward, this hit them and ignited close by however the steward in question did not come forward themselves to state they had been hit by a firework.

The steward also put a description of myself in the police statement which does not match my description whatsoever, firstly she stated I was 5.7. I am in fact 5.11 , she also stated I was in my early twenties when I am in fact 18 years old and certainly do not look in my early twenties.

The steward also drew a diagram handed to police to show where I was allegedly seen throwing the firework, I was not in this position at any point during the match and police can confirm this.
Security cameras were filming 2 metres away from where I was sat all game and if I was seen throwing anything, let alone a firework this would have been highlighted clearly on the cctv, police found no evidence whatsoever to show me throwing anything of any sort.

I was also alleged to have thrown a firework outside the ground directly outside entrance K, I had numerous witnesses who stated I did nothing of the sort other than walk home towards the East Stand car park, again police investigated this fully and found zero evidence on clear cctv to show me doing anything whatsoever.

Therefore I was accused of thowing 2 fireworks the first inside the ground 5 minutes into the second half, I was stood less than 2 metres away from the accusing steward, yet she allowed me to continue to watch the whole game and most of the first half of the Birmingham City match before instructing police to arrest me. How is this logical in terms of the safety of all other spectators at all?
If she 100% believed I had fireworks in my possesion and was throwing them at oppositon fans and her fellow colleagues why the hell was I allowed to continue to watch the game without being challenged by police or a steward?

I stringently denied all allegations against myself and had 100% faith Greater Manchester Police would find no evidence against myself which was the case. The investigating officer found no evidence which backed up her outrageous claims about me alledgely throwing anything whatsoever at all and apologised for inconvience.

I strongly believe the police are not at fault but the steward who made the allegations is, I have never ever been in contact with the police before yet I was arrested spent hours inside a police cell and spent 3 months on bail through no fault of my own other than because of the ridiculous allegation of Mancheter City steward. I am now on the Police national database for life for no reason and was labelled and looked upon as a football hooligan , something I am not, the whole affair has caused myself and my family a great deal of completley unecassary stress.

Futhermore I have taken further advice from my solicitor about further action towards the steward and what next steps we can take.

I would like to reiterate the police found NO evidence whatsoever of myself commiting any offence despite having a cctv camera pointing in my face for 90 minutes of the game , if I ig did throw anything the investigating officer stated he would have seen it clearly, which leads me to question the stewards actions. My solicitor was also informed through Greater Manchester Police that 2 other people were arrested for the same offence and both found innocent, the club needs to ask questions of the stewards they employ and whether they are capable of doing their job correctly, and how they cannot see people thowing fireworks within 15 metres of them ; Yet still ae able to accuse people who are completley innocent and allow them to be treated like criminals.

I look forward to your response and the reactivation of my account

The investigating officer was * and he can be contacted directly on *.

My solicitor *works on behalf of *and can also be contacted directly on *

The following response was given by Fletcher and this is typed word for word

I acknowledge your letter dated 7th March and have now confirmed with Greater Manchester Police that they have discontinued the matter against you.

The steward involved in this matter was adamant that you had thrown the firework and the matter was brought to the attention of the police, the police having interviewed the steward were satisfied at that stage there was sufficient evidence to arrest you which they did.

I am not sure why you were on bail for 3 months but that it is a matter for the police as why they chose to discontinue with the case.

I note that for both games, the one where the firework was thrown and that one at which you were arrested you were located in block 111 near to the visiting supporters and not in your seat which is a substantial distance away, youre presence in that area presence ground safety issues you shouldbe sat in the seat allocated to you and are in clear breach of the ground regulations.

Please be advised that you should sit in the seat allocated to you in the future. I have lifted the suspension on your card and have enclosed with this letter.

Yours sincerely
Peter Fletcher
Head of safety and security

I , like sw80 , am a young lad, it is clear to myself I was singled out simply because I am an easy target ; they clearly thought I would take what came my way and accept it. I was on bail for 3 months because the police had 3 separate officers working on the 3 separate cases of the people involved and as I was arrested last , I had to wait the longest. At the Birmingham home game I noticed that there was a huge increase in stewards ; they waited for all fans to be inside the ground and then about 15 minutes into it I was arrested at the very front and dragged up the stairs in clear view of all fans in 111,110, and 109. This was clearly staged because of how many problems there were in and around 111 at the derby and they wanted to make an easy example of somebody.

I received my seasoncard back a few days before the Sunderland home game. Mr Fletcher took nearly 2 weeks to respond and as you can see could NOT even offer an apology for the distress this caused to myself and my family. He knew as soon as I did that police dropped all charges against me because GMP informed the club before me yet I still had to approach the club themselves.

I will hold my hands up 100% and admit I was sitting in 111 however I do this because I missed out on relocating to 111 at the start of the season. I sit there with large group of my friends and all people sitting around us are fine about it. They were also amazed to find out what happened to myself.

The response Fletcher gave was nothing short of an insult , he clearly has no idea what I went through with hours in a cell and numerous meetings and phone calls with my solicitor to clear my name. He can't offer an apology and from that response believes the steward was correct to have myself arrested.

At the Sunderland game I walked around at half time to see if the steward in question was still working from the same location and she was , she took up her position after the second half began at the very front of block 111 dressed in all black in a black "showsec" coat. I have since found out her full name and anyone will be able to clearly see her who sits in 111.

Before being arrested I had not missed a single home game in 4 years. Every single penny I could get my hands on went on following city home and away all across the country, and I had gained around 4500 loyalty points not bad for a 18 year old lad paying for everything from his back pocket. Because my account (seasoncard) was suspended I was taken off the cup scheme and when receiving my card back in the post I immediately went to the ticket office to explain what happened with the semi final ticketing criteria in mind and the fact you could get a ticket straight away if you were on the scheme. They refused to give me all points back onto my seasoncard and bearing in mind it was double points when my account was suspended it would have taken me over the 5000 point threshold. They did "make a note" in their own words I was on the cup scheme on the computer and thankfully I am going to Wembley next Saturday. But not giving me the points for all league and cup games not to mention away games I would have attended was a final insult.

After what has happened I will NOT be renewing next season the club has issues at the very core of it stewards are arresting and banning totally innocent people clearly in order to achieve the targets they think they must.

I love city but the way the club has treated myself is disgusting I will pick and choose the games I go to from now on and am nowhere near as passionate as I once was.

The fact he couldn't even give an apology or even acknowledge his incredible stewarding team were lying is astonishing. I don't know where else to take this as Mr Fletcher seems to be the man in charge, I notice sw80 has been in contact with the FSF and the MEN this is a route I would take if anyone has the contacts to do it.

There comes a point where enough is enough but this man is a disgrace to MCFC.

I have kept all solicitors letters, letters from GMP and the letters from city if these could be of use.

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