Peterloo Massacre 200th anniversary 16th August

Re: The Peterloo Memorial Rally on Sunday

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Ducado said:
Mike N said:
I think the renaming of Piccadilly station with Peterloo Station would be a fantastic idea. M.C.C. need to do something significant and long-lasting to mark the most important event in Manchester and one of the most important in the country's history.
It was not the most important event in the history of Manchester

In your opinion.
But then I suppose if you had been around in those days you would have banned the march anyway, then taken the credit for preventing a massacre.
Or possibly just told everyone gathered there that the march had run it's course, so you were locking it.

Quite funny for you, I guess if you would have been around you would not have had the bottle to attend
Re: The Peterloo Memorial Rally on Sunday

Lets not forget that what happened at Peterloo is still happening around the world. As recently as this week in Cairo. USA IN THE 60`S 70`S. South Africa , China, the list goes on. The common theme is that, whenever people want more freedom to live and better there lives, the state will repress them.
Re: The Peterloo Memorial Rally on Sunday

totallywired said:
Lets not forget that what happened at Peterloo is still happening around the world. As recently as this week in Cairo. USA IN THE 60`S 70`S. South Africa , China, the list goes on. The common theme is that, whenever people want more freedom to live and better there lives, the state will repress them.
I don't think you can add Egypt into that. The army coup was because the Muslim Brotherhood was taking freedom away from the people but that is another thread.
Re: The Peterloo Memorial Rally on Sunday

SWP's back said:
The canal more important to the city than the cotton trade and mills?

The original Bridgewater canal brought us better access to the cotton coming in to liverpool and an edge over over other Lancashire towns, the construction of Trafford industrial estate the largest in England at the time was of this canal being built it also had the main terminus in Manchester for cotton to come into inland Lancashire, this attracted not only the mill owners but other industrial businesses and the and led to Manchester outgrowing it's local rival towns, why do you think then they bothered, when it went into disrepair in the mid 1800's and the scousers started charging heavy levies to plough so much money in it's expansion leading to the ship canal being built? It's the same with the first railway line between Manc and liverpool that enhanced our growth, good transport links were vital to our growth
Re: The Peterloo Memorial Rally on Sunday

Prestwich_Blue said:
Although Peterloo was widely reported by the press at the time, it changed nothing. In fact repression got worse as a result.

Not straight away, no. However, the seed had been planted.
Re: The Peterloo Memorial Rally on Sunday

Ducado said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Ducado said:
It was not the most important event in the history of Manchester

In your opinion.
But then I suppose if you had been around in those days you would have banned the march anyway, then taken the credit for preventing a massacre.
Or possibly just told everyone gathered there that the march had run it's course, so you were locking it.

Quite funny for you, I guess if you would have been around you would not have had the bottle to attend

I find Fetlocks posts to be significantly more humorous than just "quite funny" almost all the time.
Re: The Peterloo Memorial Rally on Sunday

Really interesting thread. “The Mask of Anarchy” illustrates how significant an event Peterloo was at the time.

My mums ancestors were Flemish immigrants, who came over for the cotton trade, and, I shared a house at Uni with a lad whose antecedent – James Brindley, - was the engineer who built the canal. He came from Chorley. It was a huge leap in engineering having both locks and an aquaduct.

Most important event in Manchester's history deserves it's own thread. It depends, though, if you mean the most important event in the history of Manchester or the most important world event that happened in the city of Manchester.

As for events that happened in Manchester, ahead of splitting the atom I'd put John Dalton's lecture to the Manchester Mechanics Institute on the atomic theory of matter, the invention of computer memory at Owens, or the publication of “Conditions of the working class in England”, which led to the meeting between Marx and Engels. (I'd put Reynolds numbers in there, but they were really done by Stokes at Cambridge).

Did anyone go to see Maxine Peake recite “Mask of Anarchy” at the Festival over the summer?
Re: The Peterloo Memorial Rally on Sunday

blueish swede said:
the publication of “Conditions of the working class in England”, which led to the meeting between Marx and Engels.

Probably right up there that in terms of influence in the world.

I dont think Manchester as a City has a defining moment, it is a defining City. For a smallish City our influence on the world has been immense and its something im really proud of.

The one thing that im most proud of though is the statue of Abraham Lincoln in our City. Our forefathers undertook hardship to help Lincolns goal of emancipation whilst the scousers ran ships to help the Confederacy.

Manchester is a City built on graft, honesty, innovation, morals and political idealism whilst that city down the road was built on the profits of slavery
Re: The Peterloo Memorial Rally on Sunday

Rascal said:
blueish swede said:
the publication of “Conditions of the working class in England”, which led to the meeting between Marx and Engels.

Probably right up there that in terms of influence in the world.

I dont think Manchester as a City has a defining moment, it is a defining City. For a smallish City our influence on the world has been immense and its something im really proud of.

The one thing that im most proud of though is the statue of Abraham Lincoln in our City. Our forefathers undertook hardship to help Lincolns goal of emancipation whilst the scousers ran ships to help the Confederacy.

Manchester is a City built on graft, honesty, innovation, morals and political idealism whilst that city down the road was built on the profits of slavery

So where the f**k did it all go wrong :(

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