Phil and Jack on the lash?

He pretty clearly brought it to everyone's attention because he wanted to send a message to the entire squad to stay in home and stay focused for the next 3 weeks. The clue is that he literally said that's what he was doing.

There was no story until Pep told the media he dropped them for behaviour. Then suddenly all the usual club friendly journalists get briefed about "their condition".

This is the media dancing to Pep's tune and your so offended by any reporting on Manchester City you can't see it for what it is.

I hate the media as they are mainly always on our case or just ghost us. Try finding City related stories and you scroll their pages right to the bottom unless it's a negative one. The media dance to nobody's tune regarding our club, Pep did a pre emotive strike
glad pep nipped it in the bud straight away
its not a big issue but can lead to other things if you let it go

pep is a great man manager but dare cross him and take the piss then your out the door
They shouldn't need "setting straight". They're both grown men, who ought to know what's acceptable to the hierarchy. I'm sure the rules at the club re socialising are well known to all the playing staff.
Men in their 20's aren't grown men. They could still do with some setting straight and I believe Pep's 100% up to the task. I just don't want this to become another "Pep vs Ibra" situation.
Disagree entirely. Pep holds his squad to a high standard and its why we've won so much. You follow his rules and you look after yourself.

Peps been on the record and said a career is so small that you should give your all and enjoy your life after.

He's right to hold these guys to this level, it sets a precedent and shows it doesn't matter if you cost fuck all or a record fee, you follow the same rules as everyone else.

Erm I never said he doesn't do any of that, what I said was he got in first before the snooping journalist would have asked questions as to why they weren't playing and found the answer.
You can't seriously be upset with the media here?

Guardiola literally went out of his way to bring this to the attention of the press and make it a story on purpose.

No one was pouncing on this until their manager came out and told them to make it a story.

You have to assume that was deliberate, so getting upset at "rag/dipper central old auntie beeb" for doing exactly what the Manchester City manager wanted them to do is pathetic.

Who pissed on your cornflakes this morning? Pathetic? Really? I fucking hate our biased media and the good old rag infested beeb is top of my list, sorry if that upsets you, not!
glad pep nipped it in the bud straight away
its not a big issue but can lead to other things if you let it go

pep is a great man manager but dare cross him and take the piss then your out the door

exactly, crossing pep isnt a good idea, jack will not have had this type of management before.

problem is we dont know the full story, never will, other players are seen out so what have these two done. perhaps no more than anybody but its gone to public so pep shows example.

confident pep will sort it out.

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