Phil and Jack on the lash?

When I was in my early 20s I used to go out midweek until daft o clock in the morning and rock up to work wrecked loads of times.

I’m in my 30s now and if I’m not in my pyjamas by 8pm it’s a late night these days.

My point being lads in their early 20s do daft shit and aren’t really grown-ups yet.

Whether your job is footballer or whatever, doesn’t really change that.

I’m sure with the kind of leadership and mentors they’ve got at City they’ll both grow up in time.

And come on - they were at the pub late and still showed up to training, not exactly snorting lines off a hookers arse crack til breakfast time.
Jack is 26
Blown way out of proportion. They were both still on the bench and at least one if not both would have come on if we were losing that game vs Newcastle. Pep couldn't have been that mad.
Difference being Pep is a highly driven perfectionist whose professional success could be affected by Jack and Phil misbehaving.

The boring old farts on here are just sanctimonious virtue signallers who’ve forgotten what it is to be young. The same gaggle of bores were calling for Kyle to be sold after his episode of high jinx a year or so ago.
I think some people are missing the point. The issue isn’t that they went out. The issue is the next day they turned up not in the right state. That’s what is unacceptable.
Yes, and they've been punished accordingly.
There are nutters on this thread talking about getting rid for fucks sake!! Haha!
Then you've got those who already dislike Jack using it as another stick to beat him with. It was wrong of them to go against club wishes and its disappointing to see it happen but its not something that needs dragging out or made into something far worse than it was.

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