Picking Up The Megaphone Today

Definitely a good idea. A louder weapon would help though! I'll slip a fiver in if it helps. As I said before, support like Aris' is built on many games experience.

Unfortunately the dibble would put the kibosh on it I reckon, but if we could get close to the european model, it'd be a winner.

Also, I dont subscribe to this, we need to be net to the away fans bit. Look at the Schalke Nordkurve for example. It's at the other end of the ground!
jrb said:
Thanks to one and all.

And finally before I bore the pants off you all. Even though many of you didn't actually hear me(and the megaphone), those stood near me and around me started singing along with me, this spread to the other blocks nearby on quite a few occasions. So in the respect, the megaphone did work. I even got "come on City" to go the full length of the Kippax. Now there's a claim to fame.(n/t)

Upwards and onwards blue brothers and sisters. :-)

-- Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:17 am --

im_still_here said:
i had a nice chat with you for bout 10 mmins before kick off really nice bloke :) but i couldnt hear your megaphone in the game but i wasnt supprised cus the aris fans were loud! keep it up mate maybe try getting near the front with it, if you need a hand in future games im always willin to help. good job anyway and was nice to meet you :)

Nice to met you that man. :-) Any help would be appreciated. TBH I don't think City would allow me to stand at the front of the blocks with my shirt off belting out non-stop City songs, Aris style. I'll probably piss a few people off as well who would rather watch the match. Like it or not, we're a different breed to our European football cousins.

i heard the sit down if you love city a couple of us done it in 110 but it kinda faded away (think summit happend in the game duno rlly didnt pay much attention to the game the aris fans were entertanin lol )
Well done JRB, didn't hear you but then i didn't hear anyone but Aris fans. Keep it up!
Brilliant idea and hats off to you for having the balls to follow through, I know I wouldn't. I'd say keep doing it, the ones that complain are mostly the boring bastards who don't join in with songs anyway.

To all those rags. It's better to have 36k with an atmosphere than 75k with zero atmosphere.
75,000 southerners, plastics, tourists, corporates and other assorted wankers is really summat to be proud of, lol

No thanks. We're doing just fine ta.
i've heard a fella with one fckn loud megaphone at Bernabeu in Madrid.
no idea what kind it is though. It well passes through TV even among 100,000 ppl.
Try notice that some time in a game of Real.
I stand in the South Stand but I would love for you to try it again! Maybe Villa home, then you know if it is good or not cos no way are they going to be as loud as the Aris' fans tonight.

And well done for trying it out, keep it up :-)

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