Picking Up The Megaphone Today

mcfcliam said:
Silvaslovechild said:
Was at the game tonight in east stand level 1.

Didn't even hear the megaphone ?

Oh and the attendance and atmospher tonight from City fans was shameful.

You chat utter, utter dogshit.

Calm down Liam - I was stewarding at aisle 107 and I didnt hear it either! however that said I would put that down to the tremendous backing Aris fans gave their team.

I dont agree with Silvas comments regarding atmosphere as I thought the fans were fine - although I thought the "had a day out now f*ck off home" was a bit harsh as they hadnt done anything to antagonise City fans.
I'm in 111 row K.

I looked down the front and tried to keep an ear out but assumed the megaphone never got an outing.<br /><br />-- Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:55 am --<br /><br />
Silvaslovechild said:
GStar said:
But you don't usually go?
where have you got that assumption from ?

i have a season ticket in ailse 123 level 1 colin bell. also at majority of away games. come say hello.

Will you wear a blue carnation in your hair for me?

I assumsed (perhaps wrongly) as compared to recent years cup attendences... last night was pretty good.
Buy a second cheaper variety megaphone then use the first to shout into the second and BOOM ! you will have a Wile E Coyote type cunning plan. (I believe this idea has been copyrighted by Acme)

Well done JRB Stick with it, from tiny acorns and all that.
jrb said:
Thanks for the positive comments. Agreed. The megaphone wasn't as loud as I though it would be. (35 watts) It didn't stand a chance against the Aris support. I thought Poznan were loud, but Aris bettered them. No disrespect to Poznan.

Buying a proper 50 watt plus megaphone goes into three figures and I haven't got that kind of money. As somebody has said, perhaps another one or two megaphones could do the trick? That's up to other people to decide if the want to do that.

To the United fan having a pop at City's support tonight. Perhaps you couldn't hear it over the Aris fans, but we got behind the team. Put it this way, if they'd have played you instead tonight, your support wouldn't have mustered any competition at all. (considering your non-vocal support at the derby) As for the crowd. 36K for the last 32(is it?) in the Europa Cup is nothing to be sniffed at.

Despite the rag knockers, all in all it was a good night on and off the pitch. Positive times ahead.

PS. Did anyone hear the Rag's in Marseille last night? Exactly. And a few flares at the end of the match don't count either.

Didn't hear it in 107 ...but keep it up fella'
Try it against Villa or fulham and if its a new bigger Megaphone you need i would quite happily contribute towards one. Cant say i'd stand up and start things myself but ill happily fund you to do it for me :)

30 people at £10 each and u can have ur dream one! I'll start by offfering you your first £10.
Once again thanks for the positive comments and support.

TBH the sound from the megpahone will only carry so far, unless it's a top of the range one.(as posted yesterday) However, the plus points were those stood around me or either side of me joined in and the songs then filtered to the other blocks. So in that sense it worked.

Last night was pretty good in reality, as we had the lads at the top of 109 starting songs.(as they normally do) The group at the top of 111 starting songs. And the group around and near me starting songs. That's three seperate groups, one in each block, all starting songs. If there is a trick it's getting all those seperate groups singing together more often and for longer periods of time.

Let's be honest, the way things are at COMS ATM we will never create an atmosphere like the Poznan and Aris fans did. However, we can still create an atmosphere that is considerd to be one of the best, if not the best in the PL. In all honesty I think that is already happening, even though we don't realize it.

The numerous songs and banter with the away fans has been brilliant this season The best since moving to COMS. We haven't been out sung by the away fans yet. Perhaps Arsenal being the exception, for obvious reasons. If we can keep this going, get together a bit more, and think of some more songs, the singing sections will go from strength to strength.

Saying that, I would like to see both the Kippax blocks and the SS get more involved with each other. That would be awesome. Aris did something similar last night, were the lower tier sang to the upper tier and they returned the compliment. Imagine that between our blocks and across the away fans. That takes organization though. Is there a will to do it?
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Didn't hear it on the box, to be honest.

But I didn't hear the City fans, either.

Aris fans showed it's not about location or stadium set-up, it's simply about mentality and application?

For me it proved that the stadium set up is wrong. Last night would have been stunning if the South Stand & East Stand corner Blues were all together in one area next to the away fans. Because they are split and sing different songs at different times the sound and effect is immediately halved from what it should be.

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