Pitch Invasion?

SteWadda said:
Has anyone ever watched the trophy presentations? They are shit and half they stadium won't see it properly anyway because the players will have their backs to them or be side on.

I can see it being a bit of an anti climax and everyone will have wished they ran on the pitch.
Well we have had more pitch invasions than trophy presentations
Sorry if am boring but waited 33 years to see us lift this trophy if I want to run around on some grass I'll go down the park
PaulPowerShower said:
good point about the players......The last thing they would want is to have to be anywhere near the great unwashed common man.....

Makes me shudder to think that these Gods that walk among us would have to come within 5 feet of the peasants....too much risk in case one of us gives them the normalwagesitis......

Im sure that is was our unwavering support of the club that got City through the really really dark times....??

Dont go on the pitch as it will upset the players.....??? The tail is defiantly wagging the dog nowadays

The real problem is if ala Stevenage someone who isn't a fan gets on and attacks a player or they get caught up in too much of a stampede or if anyone does not just the players
I've seen a few pitch invasions, they're rubbish. The whistle goes, 10,000 zulus steam onto the pitch, the players run for their lives and disapear faster than a rag at an FA Cup semi. Once the pitch is occupied most people just mill about not knowing quite what to do, usually a couple of numpties will try to climb on top of the goal posts (which will snap in two). After a number of unsuccessfull apeals over the tannoy for fans to leave the pitch the plod will take matters into their own hands and send in the cavalry, thus completely wrecking the pitch beyond repair (the whole thing will have to be dug up and re-layed). Eventually after about 20 minutes everyone who stayed in the stands has gone home and the pitch finally starts to clear. The players do NOT come out for a lap of honour, if you're lucky they might make an appearance in the directors box, but anyone more than 50 feet away won't have a clue whats going on. On top of all this the FA will come down like a ton of bricks on the club for letting it happen, they don't make a distinction between fans celebrating and hooligans rioting, the club could be fined (very heavily) or get a points deduction (I'd expect 3). City got into a lot of hot water after our last pitch invasion (v Brum) and had to do a lot of brown nosing to avoid any sanctions. We didn't invade the pitch after winning the First division in 2002 I don't see why people think we should now if we beat QPR.
lyonfish said:
I've seen a few pitch invasions, they're rubbish. The whistle goes, 10,000 zulus steam onto the pitch, the players run for their lives and disapear faster than a rag at an FA Cup semi. Once the pitch is occupied most people just mill about not knowing quite what to do, usually a couple of numpties will try to climb on top of the goal posts (which will snap in two). After a number of unsuccessfull apeals over the tannoy for fans to leave the pitch the plod will take matters into their own hands and send in the cavalry, thus completely wrecking the pitch beyond repair (the whole thing will have to be dug up and re-layed). Eventually after about 20 minutes everyone who stayed in the stands has gone home and the pitch finally starts to clear. The players do NOT come out for a lap of honour, if you're lucky they might make an appearance in the directors box, but anyone more than 50 feet away won't have a clue whats going on. On top of all this the FA will come down like a ton of bricks on the club for letting it happen, they don't make a distinction between fans celebrating and hooligans rioting, the club could be fined (very heavily) or get a points deduction (I'd expect 3). City got into a lot of hot water after our last pitch invasion (v Brum) and had to do a lot of brown nosing to avoid any sanctions. We didn't invade the pitch after winning the First division in 2002 I don't see why people think we should now if we beat QPR.

Because they are complete tubes
SteWadda said:
Has anyone ever watched the trophy presentations? They are shit and half they stadium won't see it properly anyway because the players will have their backs to them or be side on.

I can see it being a bit of an anti climax and everyone will have wished they ran on the pitch.

I see your point in the actual presentation being poor but i very much doubt you'll be looking at it on Sunday saying "oh fuck this, this is shit"
don't run on the pitch - storm the exit gates to let the ten thousand blues outside the ground, in. The presentation is for all.
Re: Pitch Invasion ?

tomhawley said:
Fletcher would probably ban every single person

Yep, you can get a banning order for a pitch invasion. If everyone did it (which I don't recommend, just saying) then I can't see them all getting done, but a few people going on the pitch would probably get arrested.
SteWadda said:
Has anyone ever watched the trophy presentations? They are shit and half they stadium won't see it properly anyway because the players will have their backs to them or be side on.

I can see it being a bit of an anti climax and everyone will have wished they ran on the pitch.

An anti-climax - lifting the Premiership Champions trophy - I've heard it all now.

I expect you want eye contact too, if the players are facing you at some point?

Incidentally, I have seen City's last 4 trophy presentations and I can assure you - NONE of them were shit.

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