Pitch Invasion?

Be surprised if we don't receive some level of fine after last years (over hyped) incident with the Villa goalkeeper. The club has a responsibility for the safety of the players and officials and, whilst that sounds boring and dry, it's a matter of fact. There was a noticeable increase in the number of pitch side stewards but they are severely restricted in what they can do to prevent so many people entering the pitch. Not sure what else the club can do to prevent it happening, it's not something I personally 'get' but it seems to appeal to some, some of whom will no doubt have been caught on CCTV and may well get a banning order if only to demonstrate the club is making an effort to enforce the rules.

If the club care that much then they can up security like they do around the tunnel or have the same measures in place at Wembley. I think it is then unfair that the club are happy for some poor sod to get banned for a number of years because they half arsed try to stop it. The one with the corner flag is a different conversation entirely. The only fine I can see when looking up online is against Villa and someone had an incident with the keeper and the fans wrecking the goal didn't help matters. I am sure they will face a fine and probably do each season, if they cared they would do more to stop it happening.
If the club care that much then they can up security like they do around the tunnel or have the same measures in place at Wembley. I think it is then unfair that the club are happy for some poor sod to get banned for a number of years because they half arsed try to stop it. The one with the corner flag is a different conversation entirely. The only fine I can see when looking up online is against Villa and someone had an incident with the keeper and the fans wrecking the goal didn't help matters. I am sure they will face a fine and probably do each season, if they cared they would do more to stop it happening.
If the club care that much then they can up security like they do around the tunnel or have the same measures in place at Wembley. I think it is then unfair that the club are happy for some poor sod to get banned for a number of years because they half arsed try to stop it. The one with the corner flag is a different conversation entirely. The only fine I can see when looking up online is against Villa and someone had an incident with the keeper and the fans wrecking the goal didn't help matters. I am sure they will face a fine and probably do each season, if they cared they would do more to stop it happening.
Not sure if it's a matter of whether the club care or not. From a publicity aspect I'm sure they love the pitch invasions but they're bound by their responsibility for player safety and by the rules laid down by the PL. Installing Wembley style fencing would end the problem but it would impact on seating and then Pep would leave and we'd win bugger all again and no one would want to run on the pitch anyway! As I say, personally I don't understand what people get out of it and from a players point of view it must be concerning at times.
If the club care that much then they can up security like they do around the tunnel or have the same measures in place at Wembley. I think it is then unfair that the club are happy for some poor sod to get banned for a number of years because they half arsed try to stop it. The one with the corner flag is a different conversation entirely. The only fine I can see when looking up online is against Villa and someone had an incident with the keeper and the fans wrecking the goal didn't help matters. I am sure they will face a fine and probably do each season, if they cared they would do more to stop it happening.

Fucking hell, really?

People ignore multiple requests by the club every year, and on the day, then push past large numbers of stewards, and then think it is unfair that the club 'half-arsed stopping them'? Fucking the state of that, it is embarrassing mate.

We all rightly scorned Liverpool fans blaming Paris for trying to sneak in without tickets, and while the two are nowhere near comparable in scale, the underlying mentality of 'well it is up to them to stop me' is exactly the same. Selfish.

There were two fans that got banned for 4 years for entering the pitch early against Villa. As far as I remember 6 further were banned for their behaviour afterwards, there were pictures of them out, although I can't see the article now.

It is obvious the club are Not encouraging it, or even turning a blind eye to it, they are actively going out their way to show otherwise.

As I keep saying, 'normal' pitch invasion (if normal is a thing), fine, people enjoying themselves celebrating, it is now a part of it. And any negatives will be focused on more than the norm, even without your help in trivialising it. But arguing every aspect of it is good, come the fuck on, a bit of sense and balance ffs.
Not sure if it's a matter of whether the club care or not. From a publicity aspect I'm sure they love the pitch invasions but they're bound by their responsibility for player safety and by the rules laid down by the PL. Installing Wembley style fencing would end the problem but it would impact on seating and then Pep would leave and we'd win bugger all again and no one would want to run on the pitch anyway! As I say, personally I don't understand what people get out of it and from a players point of view it must be concerning at times.
Then just pay for extra security like they do around the tunnel and around the away end. Problem solved.
Fucking hell, really?

People ignore multiple requests by the club every year, and on the day, then push past large numbers of stewards, and then think it is unfair that the club half-'arsed stopping them'? Fucking the state of that, it is embarrassing mate.

We all rightly scorned Liverpool fans blaming Paris for trying to sneak in without tickets, and while the two are nowhere near comparable in scale, the underlying mentality of 'well it is up to them to stop me' is exactly the same. Selfish.

There were two fans that got banned for 4 years for entering the pitch early against Villa. As far as I remember 6 further were banned for their behaviour afterwards, there were pictures of them out, although I can't see the article now. It is obvious the club are not encouraging it or even turning a blind eye to it, they are actively going out their way to show otherwise.

As I keep saying, 'normal' pitch invasion (if normal is a thing), fine, people enjoying themselves celebrating, it is now a part of it. And any negatives will be focused on more than the norm, even without your help in trivialising it. But arguing every aspect of it is good, come the fuck on, a bit of sense and balance ffs.
The stewards are stood there smiling saying they know we are going on. They aren't pushed past and they are only there for City to say, look we had stewards what more can we do. There is plenty more they can do. It isn't up to them to stop me, if they had an issue with the invasion they would do a lot more and quite easily. They don't because City don't mind the invasion, I just then think it is unfair if someone who has ran on the pitch after the whistle is then banned. Thousands go on so everyone should be banned or nobody ( on the pitch with the game going on and taking the flag is different)

Nobody ahs argued every aspect is good. Don't know who you are quoting. Claiming players will get injured and games called off is also a nonsense, you could argue it is being sensationalised both ways. Anybody who entered the field of play whilst the game was on should face some questions. The tit with the flag should face the biggest punishment. Everything else is fair game.
The stewards are stood there smiling saying they know we are going on. They aren't pushed past and they are only there for City to say, look we had stewards what more can we do. There is plenty more they can do. It isn't up to them to stop me, if they had an issue with the invasion they would do a lot more and quite easily. They don't because City don't mind the invasion, I just then think it is unfair if someone who has ran on the pitch after the whistle is then banned. Thousands go on so everyone should be banned or nobody ( on the pitch with the game going on and taking the flag is different)

Nobody ahs argued every aspect is good. Don't know who you are quoting. Claiming players will get injured and games called off is also a nonsense, you could argue it is being sensationalised both ways. Anybody who entered the field of play whilst the game was on should face some questions. The tit with the flag should face the biggest punishment. Everything else is fair game.

I think we are partly talking cross purposes, I have been clear that I am only focusing on the premature invasion. And to an extent people trying to grapple players. I have said in almost every post, zero issue with the/an invasion, in fact I even said I liked seeing it a couple of times.

So it doesn't help then deflecting what I am saying, to argue about the general pitch invasion. Just to defend a small group of muppets, when I wasn't broadbrushing at all.

I don't think I am sensetionalising it. You can argue others are, but I think I am fairly balanced, and If a 4 year ban has previously been handed out, arguing a similar ban for the same offence should apply is not at all ott.

I think trivialising it is poor, I think being dismissive, and excusing as just a bit of harmless overexcitement is shite as well.

But you do you. I'm now going to leave this thread as I find the some of the mindsets and attitudes are beginning to anger me. Or rather, disappoint me. And I don't want to sour what has been an incredible end to an exciting season.

Onto the next celebration, hopefully in a matter of days.
I didn't, where does it say I justify or condone it?

It just got me thinking about when they happened and why and if there was any more id missed
Ah. Ok. But there are some very patronising posters on here making me very paranoid LOL

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