Pitch invasions

Haven’t got a fucking clue what this post means..
Had no idea my post was going to be that complicated. Simply put, there are worse things than running to the pitch to celebrate your team's success. Just last week we saw AZ fans assault fans of English team and yesterday we had the Vini incident.
Rather than buffoons poncing on the pitch, I saw ‘City fans‘ enjoying another PL title. It was always going to take an age to get Sky‘s cameras in place and get the production going for those at home.

All I now see is Blue on Blue anger which I cannot understand. It was a wonderful afternoon where Blues were encouraged to enjoy the party atmosphere, which they did, and as there was no incidents then all the better.

At least it’s not a big story in the media, probably because we weren’t fighting with United or Liverpool, because if we were then there would’ve been slapped-arse uproar from the miserable twats.
Come on mate, most were self indulgent twats taking selfie's and TikTok videos, loads of them were not lifetime fans like myself just day trippers. Also they had been requested not to come onto the pitch so they ignored what the club had requested.

Ignored = ignorant.
Love pitch invasions me. (No wasn’t there meself today)

Good, I love seeing a good one too.

People are defending pitch invasions in general (and a few weirdos using it as another battle line in their obsession for a culture war).

My issue is the one yeaterday, which could and should have been avoided. Sure, no real harm was done, other than reputational damage and club losing money. Added absolutely nothing either. Other than some laughable scenes and a stick to beat the club with.
If it makes the fans happy and builds the spirit of togetherness then I'm all for it. Some fans bond over calling other players monkeys. There are worse things
It doesn’t though, it divides fans, the delays spoiled the occasion, why should we have to wait 30 minutes for these self obsessed clowns. After the Aguero moment or similar outcomes which brought emotions pitch invasions were great but today was selfish and totally shit. It not only spoiled the title celebrations for majority of the fans but also the players on the pitch and will lead to further club charges.

Perhaps the answer is first ten rows of stadium are removed to stop the invasion, again this would hurt fans as we will receive a reduced allocation
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Come on mate, most were self indulgent twats taking selfie's and TikTok videos, loads of them were not lifetime fans like myself just day trippers. Also they had been requested not to come onto the pitch so they ignored what the club had requested.

Ignored = ignorant.
I’m not judging on who they are or what they were told, just that it was always going to happen and the club managed the situation very well.

There is absolutely no reason for me to get angry with something that was always going to happen. Was I angry when this happened after the Aguero moment, no I wasn’t but I did lead the way in telling them to get off the pitch so we could see the presentation. That took much longer than yesterday’s so don’t see too much harm and definitely don’t see the need for the amount of anger in some.

Anyway, up the Blues, we‘ve only gone and done it again ;-)
Unless you have 2 full rows of stewards stood next to each other backed up by police, there will be a break point where the first wave of fans get on to the pitch. Once they do that all the other fans follow.

I saw the police on at the front of SSL1. I thought they were going to back the stewards up. As soon as the final whistle went they all got up and formed a cordon in-front of the away end. They weren’t interested in stopping the pitch invasion.

If some of you complaining actually saw how it all played out and unfolded, you will have known the pitch invasion wasn’t going to be stopped.

I’ll repeat that again. The pitch invasion wasn’t going to be stopped.

What was planned, was the away end was going to be protected by the police, and so was the goal next to the South stand by the stewards. The other stewards helped the players off. And they formed a barrier infront of the players tunnel.

That’s how the plan unfolded and worked.

All that being true, only one or two here are actually arguing it should have been stopped.

Most are arguing people simply shouldn't have put themselves first and gone out.
We invaded the pitch because if we’d have stayed in the stands we’d have been slated for being plastic fans.
FWIW I’m in L3 so I didn’t get on.
Absolutely no problem with pitch invasions at the end of the season - it’s a City tradition going back to Newcastle in 68. Just the woke pc and killjoy police wankers who have jumped on it as another thing to stop people having fun in this world. We’ll all be dead one day soon so ffs let yourself go and be free. Up the Blues!
At least it’s not a big story in the media, probably because we weren’t fighting with United or Liverpool, because if we were then there would’ve been slapped-arse uproar from the miserable twats.
Well actually I woke up to a text from a friend with a headline from the Daily Fail!!:

I think everyone on here by now, who reads my posts before during and after each match, knows my feelings about our biased, Specsavers needing media etc. but I definitely do not like waking up to the headline that the players that I admire and pay good money to go and watch (when I am able) are FLEEING the pitch!!

So actually it is a story, albeit not yet a big story but it will probably gather momentum!! And not one I like being woken up to thank you. :-(

EDIT: p.s. luckily my laptop has an aversion somehow to our media and appears to freeze if ever I try to access the media.
I get a message stating that the page is not responding whenever I try and read anything apart from BBC on my laptop, although my iPad and iPhone do not appear to share this aversion!!! *lol*
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Most of us in Colin Bell level 1 couldn’t see the presentation anyway due to hordes of officials on the pitch blocking the view
Well actually I woke up to a text from a friend with a headline from the Daily Fail!!:

I think everyone on here by now, who reads my posts before during and after each match, knows my feelings about our biased, Specsavers needing media etc. but I definitely do not like waking up to the headline that the players that I admire and pay good money to go and watch (when I am able) are FLEEING the pitch!!

So actually it is a story, albeit not yet a big story but it will probably gather momentum!! And not one I like being woken up to thank you. :-(
Fancy being woken up to a Mail article. You need to get new friends ;-)

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