PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I’m guessing here, but can the PL impose sanctions/charges if they’ve not got all the evidence? If we’ve not cooperated they can’t have all the evidence. If that makes sense?

I’ve no idea why, and only have a basic knowledge of law. But i get the feeling the PL aren’t that committed to this. And their commitment and confidence must surely have taken a hit with the clubs fairly robust reply and some half decent journalists questioning the whole thing.

And the fact that they landed the charges with all the precision of a blind knife thrower… the fact they got some of the charges confused tells name this was heart hearted, rushed, incompetent or a combination of the three.
What? Industrial (scale) accounting fraud? The implication you appear to have been persuaded of is that we should be heavily punished for that, and can't downplay it. Industrial scale accounting fraud which went unseen for over 9 or maybe even 13 years.

You put your diatribe on in response to a very positive post and, without specifically saying so, the clear implication from you is that relegation is appropriate for City in those circumstances. And prosecutions. Hanging and flogging as well? This isn't even a criminal trial.

I'd have expected such comments from a rag or a dipper, and of course, those clubs have never been guilty of anything, have they!?

As a blue - I assume, as you have 4000+ posts on here - I'm surprised you jumped in as you did, instead of holding your tongue until someone finds us guilty of anything. Why fan the flames? Were you writing similarly when UEFA were dragging us over the coals? I can't be arsed checking through your posts, but it looks like you've made up your mind based on Sky and the newspapers who've convicted us already.

Have a drink, or a lie down - chill, ffs!

I'm not arguing whether we're guilty or not; just the hypothetical that if we are then we should be okay with that.

If our hierarchy have done this then I'm furious with them. I don't understand why we shouldn't collectively be upset if our owners have committed accounting fraud, we defend our owners and trust they do right by us and the club so if that's ever broken, then we should be asking serious questions of them.

Likewise, if these charges are frivolous and brought about by external forces/political lobbying, then I'm furious with the PL.

The scope of the accusation is huge and shouldn't be underplayed.
I’d be very surprised if there wasn’t some diplomatic pressure being applied from the UAE, tbh. This has gone a bit beyond just City now, with the likes of Khaldoon and Mansour himself, having their integrity so publicly questioned. It seems unthinkable that the recent investment plans won’t be used as leverage imo.

Just to play devils advocate, if it wasn’t us and if that is actually happening, it’s a pretty good argument for why anyone with close ties to a state shouldn’t be owning football clubs tbh!

I agree it’s probably happening though.
A grey anonymous gentleman in a suit will turn up at the Prem offices, and over a cup of Earl Grey will tell the Prem bosses how this will be resolved all nice and quitely, he will then leave and nobody will ever know who he was or who he represented, or indeed that he was ever there in the first place .
If our books were being cooked. Silverlake would have uncovered it in their due diligence- I’d have more faith in them than the PL. I really can’t see how someone like Silverlake would invest in a tinpot outfit who file dodgy accounts for 9 years…. And on top of that fail to enter a team in the FA Cup!
Silverlake's due diligence will have covered the legal requirements for accounting accuracy rather than compliance with the rules of the Premier League.
I wouldn’t read too much into the clubs statement, we would completely take that.

If ever you have been unlucky enough to be involved in litigation, you will know ever message is delivered with total confidence, outrage at the other party.

It is a message you want to protray.

FWIW no offence to the poster who posted and I hope they are right, but it sounds like BS.

The PL is not planning on dropping these charges it will go to their independent commission.
“Their independent commission” an oxymoron grammatically yet in this case absolutely accurate!
Agree with the thinking there but then I'm not sure through which channel that would be pressured?
maybe a figure representing the Government will offer to help the principals at both organisations come to some mutual recognition and possible accommodation. Strictly in secrecy of course. Perhaps City could provide its irrefutable proof of innocence and undertake full future cooperation. Given its keen interest in Regulatory oversight (helped by todays ESL announcements) I’d imagine the Government would have significant leverage and may wish to explore various potential models with the Premier League executives for example. It’s not too difficult to envisage how this may be approached.
private members club in the sense they invent their own punishment bar for breaking the rules,exactly the same as PL dishing out what they see fit
Mike Ashley took the pl to court over the then failed Newcastle takeover did he not? Even if City could not take the pl to court you can bet our owner can, if they attempt to destroy his business.
A grey anonymous gentleman in a suit will turn up at the Prem offices, and over a cup of Earl Grey will tell the Prem bosses how this will be resolved all nice and quitely, he will then leave and nobody will ever know who he was or who he represented, or indeed that he was ever there in the first place .
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