PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

It just feels extremely political to me. The writing appears on the wall for the PL in the light of the likely white paper mandating an independent regulator. Either result in this case massively discredits the PL. If they lose then their entire investigation and use of resources was a colossal waste of time. If they win, they have allowed one of their major contributors to get away with financial dishonesty for a decade to the detriment of the entire faith in the competition. I am not one for conspiracy theories, but if this was all a long game invented by City to put to bed the overhanging allegations from CAS, then it could be exceptionally well played.
One of the things that bugs me the most is the fact that the entirety of the proceedings will be under seal. I just can’t decide who that helps the most.
I am Fairly sure however that the PL can only raise allegations of charges and an independent commission is required to find them as fact. Otherwise the PL is prosecution, Judge and jury which is not something that would ever have been agreed when the competition was formulated.
Just my thoughts in any event.
From my own experience, I was always told that processes of this type have to meet the rules of equity and natural justice.
One quote I was taught was similar to the one you have used above in regard that you cannot be judge and jury is that
you cannot be judge, jury and executioner and anything tantamount to this could be challenged - ergo there has to be an impartial appeals process if either party isn't happy.
Take your point but….if the PL are resisting the introduction of an Independent Regulator then this would appear than no more than “brushing things under the carpet” which considering it took them 4 years would not look great and would not appease the hateful 8. If they carry on and find us “guilty” then the question must be how did this happen for so long on your watch PL. Whichever happens the PL is shown up for what it is - negligent, amateurish and incompetent and are therefore fucked whatever the outcome.

An Independent Regulator is imperative for the sake of any integrity in football, the PL having shown it's clear and obvious failings and bias towards certain teams it is supposed to represent.

Supporters should be pushing for this imo, instead of allowing those in charge of their clubs sucking up to the PL/PiGMOL alliance.

Are fans of other clubs happy to know that the future of their club is determined by the likes of the rags, dippers, gooners who clearly have sold out to the corruption of the PL , and have fuck all intention of ever helping the underlings to become successful to the point of presenting a challenge to their own ambitions.
I have just read a report on the BBC by Kevin Parker which I felt was weak and submissive. I think he owes the fans an explanation as to whether or not he was misrepresented by BBC Sports. Failing this I think he should resign from his position with the Supporteres Club. Surely we could get somebody better to articulate the current feelings and views of the fans.
I have just read that and basically it’s wishy, washy and practically damning with faint praise!! I’m sorry Kevin but if you were misquoted I’d get on to the BBC and get it sorted. If you weren’t misquoted then wow just wow. I’d not want you defending me ever! Sorry.

From the BBC, is Kevin Parker really the GS of the supporters club?? If so would he (or any City fan) say that the past achievements would be tainted??

A massive twat who thinks it’s all about him.

He doesn’t speak for me the dick.
Was talking to someone this morning and he said something that I hadn't considered before. The deadline for bidders trying to purchase United is next week. The Glazers are trying to sell them to the highest bidder, and they don't care who that is. But all of the highest bidders are from the middle east.

This investigation into ADUG could put off potential middle eastern investors from buying them, so now they are shitting it. Which would probably explain why loads of articles were published yesterday where the value was put out at 5 billion, when 6-7 billion had been the muted price since November.

Liverpool are also in the same predicament, as they are also up for sale. Which makes me sort of wary. Could someone somewhere have enough power to orchestrate all of this, to put off middle eastern investors from buying the PL's crown jewels?

Lets face it. If City, Newcastle, United and Liverpool are all owned by the middle east, the power shifts elsewhere. It puts the PL in danger, because they can collude to form breakaways, attend competitions in the middle east. It means that the PL would be losing a significant amount of power and control of their cash cow.
After the bombshell being dropped, and having now nearly a week to reflect and take everything is very plain to see that there are many games being played out here and that our club is being put centre circle

We have the PL not wanting an independent regulator to run the game - so before the white paper was due to be released they throw the charges (rushed it out) to somehow show that they can in fact regulate on there own. The white paper has now been delayed by 2 weeks - so the question here is why don't the PL want an independent regulator to govern? Are they in fact hiding major wrong doings that have gone at other clubs and been swept under a very big grubby rug

If that is the case then fingers crossed we will bring up past accounts of others that the PL have never held to account

Then we have the supposed takeovers of the rags and dippers...are the PL trying to stop the running by an independent regulator so that these 2 can infact be bought out and signed off by the PL?

I honestly think the PL don't want any independent regulator to takeover because they are afraid they won't be able to no longer protect the cartel clubs and they are also afraid of what may be uncovered and found in the locker
If this was the good old US of A then there would be a class action from fans already in the making, emotional distress, defamation of character and why not, loss of sleep :). All queued up ready to go once we are cleared
I am Qualified to bring that case on behalf of any other US based city fans out there. Not sure it would get past the pleadings stage but I’m game…
A massive twat who thinks it’s all about him.

He doesn’t speak for me the dick.

I suspect that many on here share your opinions of him, which is no doubt why he was asked by to comment by the BBC - an organisation desperate to stick the knife into City.

An alliance of cunts , one might say ?
Challenged but not disproven. Hence why we are here today talking about another hearing.
City do not have to disprove them. It is up to the PL to make their case. At CAS, our legal team were actually shocked when it became apparent that UEFA had nothing more than the emails. UEFA had no witnesses, no documents, nada, zilch, nothing. I wonder what the PL has.

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