PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Are you under the absurd opinion I think her entire monologue is quoting Pep?

Because if you just bloody read my comment and the one I’m responding to, it’s really, really fucking obvious the bit where she’s quoting Pep is the bit where she uses air quotes, which is the exact bit I was discussing because that was the bit which is apparently libel.

In fairness to you.....

You are right and I am wrong. I thought you were responding to an earlier post that also had the video in it. Ffs. Consider this an edit to a series of my posts.
And the media ignores the real whistleblowers:

Where does that actual quote come from, printed wise?
Been thinking about the likely outcome and my prediction is we will be found guilty of non cooperation - fine of about £10m. Then all the financial ones we will be found not guilty but they will word it in a way that allows the press and other fans to continue to presume we were actually guilty. Something like not quite enough evidence or didn't meet a threshold.
Yep a fine and maybe a one or two transfer window ban is my prediction. Maybe 3 points off. Anything else we would probably fight to the extreme
Funny. I am A lawyer and I can’t see anything useful there. Forget the Appeal, it’s a massive red herring. If this ever sees the inside of a private and confidential arbitration then that is where it will end. Win or bust. This always has and always will be a nuclear event for the loser.
The weight of the charges makes this nigh on impossible for the PL to win without some new piece of evidence that irrefutably proves that we have done what has been alleged.
CAS showed that evidence does not exist or was not presented for at least some of the period covered in this case. The PL lawyers will be paid as much as we will be paying Pannick (funny how there is no mention of those costs). They all get paid irrespective of the result. Bird & Bird have logged 4 years of fees, they are not worried about their reputation. They will simply talk about the risks of litigation when they lose.
If there really was a smoking gun this whole episode would feel remarkably different. In fact the charges and the deal reached by City and the PL would have been announced almost simultaneously as those conversations would have been covered and dealt with behind the scenes. I remain utterly convinced that City will defeat these charges. Could I be Wrong… of course I could. However, I rarely get things wrong (arrogant but true).

I read through the entire CAS award today and I really think they lay out everything we need to know about this case.

Specifically, CAS asked what evidence Mr Lindsay, UEFA’s financial witness would need to prove their allegations. And he replied -
"[...] that exercise requires extensive access to accounting records that - - I talk about reviewing contemporaneous emails, relevant documents, board papers, where in essence it would have to be a very wide-ranging review to try to determine whether or not these payment mechanisms happened or not and it would require access not only to the books and records of the Club, of which I've seen very little, but more importantly it would require access to the books and records of both of the sponsors
There is simply no way that the Premier League have been rooting through the accounts and bank records of the other parties involved here. Whether that’s sponsors, or Mancini, or Fordham, or players.
It would require police powers to find City guilty of these charges.
How do you know we would have or could have done a deal had we done something wrong ?
That’s just how things are done in multi-billion valuation big business. It’s too damaging overall for everyone and there is too much money involved. If the risk of losing in litigation is high enough based upon the evidence available then all parties reach a compromise. It’s why less than 5% worldwide of all lawsuits reach trial. Mediation and ADR (alternative dispute resolution) is how almost everything is resolved. That’s without even raising the geopolitical consequences that could come from this.

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