PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

FFS, the boring shit and lies we will now have to put up with as everyone becomes a football and financial expert again.

All media. WhatsApp group. supporters of the usual fuckwit teams and the absolute bellends who usually post in the pre match and match day threads sharing their fucking nonsense (see a couple have already posted their utter shit).

City need to be ruthless and expose this for the absolute fucking clear witch hunt it has been and expose the open corruption of the FA and their mainly red team associated fuckwits, do it City...
I think this time, assuming we’re innocent, our owners will absolutely go for the jugular and expose the fucking lot of them. Didn’t Khaldoon more or less say he knew a lot of shit about a lot of clubs a couple of seasons ago?
That's a weak statement that suggests we have been caught on the back foot. What usually happens in these sort of disputes is that both sides' lawyers agree to be open and transparent with each other. I find it hard to believe that City didn't have an inkling of this move in advance. The body language of Pep and the players in recent weeks gives a clue surely. If we really are "surprised" then we have been ambushed the the PL.

I think the surprise is sarcasm that despite irrefutable evidence they still went with it,

'Replay Matches'

Let us replay every match from the past 10 years, all the original players involved. I reckon David Silva would still run rings around them.

We'll forfeit Spurs away though.


Maybe we have to replay the QPR & Villa games again.

Also 'make such order as sees fit'

Basically anything they want.
“Once and for all”

My faith in the people running our club has NEVER waivered. Not once. Ever.
I’ve been pissed off plenty after some matches as football and its aftermath is an emotional game but my faith in our executives has never waivered. And it still hasn’t.
I am confident we will prevail here again.
Bit the key line in the statement HAS to be “once and for all”

This must be the very last time we take this sort of shit without punching back with everything in our arsenal or today, just like Valentine’s Day the other year, will simply be another day when the club allows itself to be smeared and slandered without evidence.
WHEN we win this one, our response has to be utterly ruthless and fully litigious and the FA need to be made fully aware that there are repercussions to lying about City.

We will prevail as we have right on our side.

I get all this but I will admit I'm worried by this latest chapter. We all know why this has been happening over the years and who's behind it. They tried to get us using Europe and indeed actually banned us. Unfortunately for them we had CAS which rightly found in our favour. That failing they've gone down the easier route, the premier league. Now we may be innocent but if the fuckers judging us are in cahoots with our enemies and find us guilty we are fucked as apparently there's no equivalent of CAS to appeal to. We will know it's a stitch up but there will be no way on God's earth any of the rabid anti City mob and media will report it that way.

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