PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

This campaign is being driven by the Hateful 8 (9).

I'd be surprised if the PL had the resources (or appetite) to pursue this independantly.

This is going to go into years of technical accounting and legal arguments during which our enemies will keep hammering the message of curruption at City.
It will end up settled (as these things do typically) but in the meantime they will have 3 or 4 more years of devaluing the clubs acheivements in their media.

Lets be clear about this, there has probably been a fair bit of creative accounting going on as there is in all large businesses, and the same type of thing will have been going on at all the PL clubs in the same way.

The aim of the H8 is to keep the story rolling on the basis that some shit sticks along the way.

The people running the PL are not interested in competion or fairness. The thing is run by and for the benefit of a cartel of clubs, we see it every week in the refereeing. Even yesterday it was there (even if we were a bit shit), every 50/50 tackle we won was a foul.

If they manage to derail City they might as well just rename the PL the WWPL and be done with it.

The smaller clubs are pathetic. Buying into this shit hoping to get a few scraps off the table when order is restored and Utd, Liverpool, Arsenal etc are back in their "rightful" place at the top of the table.

The PL is currupt all right, but isn't City that are the real criminals, whatever the outcome of this bollocks.

The PL has been infiltrated by Americans and they won't stop until the game has been repackaged to suit US interests. Its only a matter of time.

I‘d like to repeat my previously stated position on this. I’m against FFP because I see it as anti-competitive in wanting to secure a cosy monopoly for the ‘top’ clubs fearful that an unrestricted free for all would damage their standing. I have never had a problem therefore for City or any other club with ambition to spend to secure success for their club. City and now Newcastle are a refreshing change to the status quo. Thats why the PL is so exciting (and how dull for example, La Liga is dominated by Barca and Real).

So, why shouldn’t we encourage say the likes of West Ham were they to get the financial backing to invest to challenge at the top? Why can’t fans of so called lesser teams not dream about winning trophies? It seems more fair to me.
I hope Arsenal are not involved in this currently because they were ill advised back in the day to have gotten involved at all. If they are, they don’t have my support and that’s true for a lot of our fans.

Anyway, I hope you win this battle and don’t assume all fans support FFP. We don’t.
This has fired fans up more so hopefully this all backfires on the prem league.

I see plenty of support for the blues now regardless how poor we have been.

Time to go on a run city & smash everybody in front of us.

We are now the 12th man till end of the season blues
My thoughts exactly! If this latest attack doesn't galvanise the board, coaching staff, the players & fans, then NOTHING WILL! \0/
30 charges relate to non-compliance with the investigation.

25 relate to profit and sustainability.

5 relate to the non-compliance with UEFA, which we were already fined for.

12 relate to breach of details on how much was paid to players between 2010-2016

8 relate to breach the details of how much was paid to managers between 2009-2013

50 relate to accuracy of financial reports to the PL.

Like I said, good luck proving all of that and if we found guilty of a few we will fight it in the higher courts.
Honestly if we fight this and end up in the clear - is there any chance of sueing for damages (reputation and therefore revenue loss/legal fees). Taking the piss now
Our character is destroyed now anyway media propaganda has every football fan branding us cheats, corrupt, we paid off CAS that time. Etc
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That's a weak statement that suggests we have been caught on the back foot. What usually happens in these sort of disputes is that both sides' lawyers agree to be open and transparent with each other. I find it hard to believe that City didn't have an inkling of this move in advance. The body language of Pep and the players in recent weeks gives a clue surely. If we really are "surprised" then we have been ambushed the the PL.
I like the statement. Exudes confidence and calmness.

I don't believe Pep and the players know any more than you or I what was going on.

If all the PL have are the hacked emails it's difficult to see how the charges can stick. Surely they must have something else and, if so, what?

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