PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Makes me wonder why the Premier League didn't want this made public with City at the time?

I'd expect us to already have our ducks in a row.

I'd like to think so but this time I think we're fucked. You know it's a stitch up, I know it's a stitch up, millions of our fans know it's a stitch up but how the fuck do we get a fair hearing from a premier league riddled with rags, dippers and Arsenal, all of who want us gone?

I’ve interrupted what I was doing as I had to get this down. I’m not sure where the truth is going to be on this one between the panic jockeys on here or the ones who are too complacent and dismissive. But this doesn’t look pretty. Doesn’t look like the vested interest Der Speigel Bayern sponsored eufa stuff. This is our own league.

Talksport getting all giddy. My mates all rightly “ it seems” piling in enjoying it a bit too much. We’ve been able to see off all the nonsense before but this really doesn’t look pretty.

You give so much to your team, it’s not just support, you give a part of you. A real emotional commitment. And if this proves to be the case, all of the celebrations, joy and the trophies that have made up for crying as Bell got carried off, Kinkladze throwing his boots into the crowd at yet another relegation, going to Gillingham and Wycombe and Millwall, the endless disappointments, the thrashings by both of the red teams over the years, sticking up for your team in the playground, the pub, the office….. then this is going to really take some getting over.

I hope it blows over but I don’t think so, 98+ Smoking Guns, as the lawyers would put it, can’t all be puffed away. Can they?

First thing this morning I woke up concerned at the lack of passion in the team at the moment. Now this embarrassment. Maybe they knew this was coming?

Not sure what else to say. I feel a bit numb.
Try growing a pair of balls for starters, it's the same shit that UEFA tried. Have you forgotten how that panned out?

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