PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

No you’re not getting it half this thread has been about tax and proper accounting rules and what is or is not fraud not FFP and the Premier League rules. The most informative posters have mostly actually been talking about accounting rules tax and fraud etc not FFP and the Premier League.

My posts about tax was in response to other posts about the subject.

I think it is important for the fans that we understand the implications of these allegations beyond FFP don’t you.
We have covered this previously, however here we go. The PL charges are in actual fact extremely serious. They are implicitly accusing the executives of a number of multi national companies of conspiracy to commit fraud persistently for nine years. They are probably the must serous allegations ever made by any sporting body. This is why the non involvement of the Crown Prosecution Service has been questioned. It truly is a zero sum game. The implications for the losing party could be devastating. If the PL have made false groundless accusations they could be facing huge damages. The burden of proof is 100% on the PL. There are no indications of any pre settlements.
I read this forum as this case means a lot to all Blues..opinions, some good legal minds, various different thoughts.Cool with that. In 3-4 years we will get a verdict.

Every once in a while you come across a post and think WTF.. I am sorry but your post above has to rank in the top ten must stupid posts ever. "Most people do not lie..That is a fact. There is research." Well show us the research !! Am intrigued how they do that. Just imagining a random sample of people being quizzed.. "Well Mr. Smith..Have you lied ever in your life. No sir, never." Hmmm.

Sorry Bez that is just ridiculous. Everyone lies.
Not when you are under oath.
You're not a City supporter but you've posted 234 messages on Bluemoon ?. Are you sufficiently fascinated by this issue to have read the CAS settlement document, probably not. The Chairman and CEO of Ethihad Airways testified under oath (in a Swiss court ie CAS) that he authorised the sponsorship of MCFC by Ethihad Airways. So the notion of disguised equity seems to be based on the fact the owners of MCFC and Ethihad Airways were from the same country. So was the sponsorship of MUFC (owned by Americans) by General Motor's also American disguised equity funding ?. Perhaps you might like to clarify ?
I’m not saying I agree with everything @terraloon has said on this thread but I do believe he’s posting on here in good faith and he has been a member of this forum for years, long pre-dating this investigation. Why? Because I remember him from when he used to post on Untold Arsenal, swimming against the tide of the rampant paranoia and lunacy that populates that forum. If anyone thinks this place is a madhouse (and it most certainly can be at times) then multiply it by ten and that’s what UA is. At times it was literally him and me taking on virtually everyone else in the comments section of the latest article posted by site owner Tony Attwood or his lunatic sidekick Walter Broeckx!
I read this forum as this case means a lot to all Blues..opinions, some good legal minds, various different thoughts.Cool with that. In 3-4 years we will get a verdict.

Every once in a while you come across a post and think WTF.. I am sorry but your post above has to rank in the top ten must stupid posts ever. "Most people do not lie..That is a fact. There is research." Well show us the research !! Am intrigued how they do that. Just imagining a random sample of people being quizzed.. "Well Mr. Smith..Have you lied ever in your life. No sir, never." Hmmm.

Sorry Bez that is just ridiculous. Everyone lies.
I am far from sure one way or the other but are they under oath ?
They have obligations to discharge their duties fairly and objectively. Its a judicial panel. Its a serious responsibility. I can't see how someone could say it is not the same. No doubt a lawyer may have a view.
I’m not saying I agree with everything @terraloon has said on this thread but I do believe he’s posting on here in good faith and he has been a member of this forum for years, long pre-dating this investigation. Why? Because I remember him from when he used to post on Untold Arsenal, swimming against the tide of the rampant paranoia and lunacy that populates that forum. If anyone thinks this place is a madhouse (and it most certainly can be at times) then multiply it by ten and that’s what UA is. At times it was literally him and me taking on virtually everyone else in the comments section of the latest article posted by site owner Tony Attwood or his lunatic sidekick Walter Broeckx!
Thanks M18.

The mention of those two names made me seek out a double Scotch, well it’s Friday so I had one anyway . Ok a few doubles but who is counting and I don’t answer to either UEFA or the PL

I wouldn’t expect us all to agree or indeed be able to see things in the same way but there always can be a reasonable and rational debate but alas there are those that can never accept there are more than one view on matters.

Funnily enough I had some private exchanges with Tony A and they were both cordial and informative but on UA there really were a lot of postings that well as we both know were barking

I am really interested in this issue not from I hope you get found guilty because quite honestly it wont change anything in terms of your achievements because let’s face it the likes of Liverpool , Everton, Blackburn and yes in the day Utd and of course us didn’t have the none sense that is FFP to have to worry about but it’s in place now and that can’t be changed.
Oh I have read the ruling several times.

The bulk of my postings, if you check back we’re not in this thread although I have posted quite a few over the last few days.

You are right that the Chairman and CEO testified but was it under oath? It wasn’t in a Swiss Court at all it used Swiss Law which won’t be the case when the PL tribunal takes place.

The reality is , if you read the CAS ruling it was more about UEFA not meeting the threshold it wasn’t for CAS to argue UEfAs it was for UEFA to prove matters and that they didn’t. My point is and continues to be in terms of process the PL will and almost certainly pursued disclosure. If you read the CAS report they made significant comment re UEFAs approach and how they couldn’t or wouldn’t make any presumption re matters when UEFA in effect just gave up. I just can’t see how knowing that the PL won’t learn from that.

As for General Motors and Man Utd it’s a completely different matter and to be honest not relevant.

As an aside I deplore the way in which FFP is administered I truly believe if the owner a benefactor wants to put their own money in then I personally don’t see t(e problem but if you play in a league in a league or a competition then you have to abide by the rules or just opt out.
Thank you for the reply, my question re MUFC was rhetorical. The point I try to make to non supporters of MCFC is as follows. What compelling and irrefutable evidence do the PL have that proves the sponsorship of MCFC by Etihad Airways was disguised equity. The overwhelming link in the MSM is always common country of origin, this is just blatant xenophobia, hence my question.
Thank you for the reply, my question re MUFC was rhetorical. The point I try to make to non supporters of MCFC is as follows. What compelling and irrefutable evidence do the PL have that proves the sponsorship of MCFC by Etihad Airways was disguised equity. The overwhelming link in the MSM is always common country of origin, this is just blatant xenophobia, hence my question.
If you look at the vast bulk of my postings on this issue I have not really gone into the sponsorship issue because quite honestly I don’t know nor , in my opinion is the CAS ruling quite as clear cut as some feel.
I fell a little more informed when it comes to remuneration and indeed not assisting but sorry I just don’t subscribe to any claims re Xenophobia
We have covered this previously, however here we go. The PL charges are in actual fact extremely serious. They are implicitly accusing the executives of a number of multi national companies of conspiracy to commit fraud persistently for nine years. They are probably the must serous allegations ever made by any sporting body. This is why the non involvement of the Crown Prosecution Service has been questioned. It truly is a zero sum game. The implications for the losing party could be devastating. If the PL have made false groundless accusations they could be facing huge damages. The burden of proof is 100% on the PL. There are no indications of any pre settlements.
Why are you telling me this ? This is what I have been saying

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