PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

They have but as has been mentioned on numerous occasions this isn’t prima about FFP nor does it seem that HMRC have challenged anything . They may but there again they may not
I don’t follow ? I would say this is mostly about FFP at least as far as the Premier League are concerned I would argue it might be more about accounting rules as the implication for how we are alleged to have got round FFP affect that and that is more serious. I guess you mean it not about FFP but dishonestly or not submitting accounts in relation to FFP but that seems like semantics. It would seem HMRC are not going investigating but that does not mean they won’t or that what’s being discussed does not have implications there maybe they just don’t think the Premier League are right. The police as far as I am aware did not investigate hacking of our scouting network. Even though it was in the press and Liverpool paid damages and that figure was in our accounts I assume don’t know what we called it. Anyway what’s your point
I'm getting daggers from the Mrs so final thoughts tonight... The issues re sponsorship funds from Etihad, Etisalat and Aabar are absolutely crucial. The really serious PL charges (true and fair accounts) are all related to these. This is why I've posted about them far more than the images rights or Mancini's salary payments. The PL are facing huge costs for reputational damage If they have botched this investigation. Apologies for the pesky reply before, I assumed you were from Trafford.
I don’t follow ? I would say this is mostly about FFP at least as far as the Premier League are concerned I would argue it might be more about accounting rules as the implication for how we are alleged to have got round FFP affect that and that is more serious. I guess you mean it not about FFP but dishonestly or not submitting accounts in relation to FFP but that seems like semantics. It would seem HMRC are not going investigating but that does not mean they won’t or that what’s being discussed does not have implications there maybe they just don’t think the Premier League are right. The police as far as I am aware did not investigate hacking of our scouting network. Even though it was in the press and Liverpool paid damages and that figure was in our accounts I assume don’t know what we called it. Anyway what’s your point
Of course it is fact that targets shape behaviours . Clubs will no doubt push the boundaries it’s why most claim Chelsea offered such long contracts to many of the recent signings but based on the rules in place at the time they have to be allowed but the rules change.
Did City work within the FFP rules or did they not just bend them but broke other rules to present a picture that was intended to comply with FFP targets? That really is the question
Its akin to which comes first the chicken or the egg?
I'm getting daggers from the Mrs so final thoughts tonight... The issues re sponsorship funds from Etihad, Etisalat and Aabar are absolutely crucial. The really serious PL charges (true and fair accounts) are all related to these. This is why I've posted about them far more than the images rights or Mancini's salary payments. The PL are facing huge costs for reputational damage If they have botched this investigation. Apologies for the pesky reply before, I assumed you were from Trafford.
Mine went to bed with a shake of her head and a shrug of her shoulders !

As for me being from Trafford that is as real big insult
Most people don't lie. That is a fact. Research supports me on that.
What research? And does that extend to people in positions of power? How about people with links to bent organisations?
...if you play in a league in a league or a competition then you have to abide by the rules or just opt out.

That's a surprisingly simplistic argument for you. Let's be clear, when the Association Football Premier League Ltd was formed by the clubs making up the top tier of the football industry at that time, businesses trading in an industry that had largely thrived for 100 years previously, there was no FFP. In effect, it was a company formed for collective bargaining purposes with each participant having a voting share. Unlimited investment by owners was allowed and, incidentally, lauded by the media.

The situation changed when City acquired an investor and new rules were proposed specifically designed to prevent the level of investment required to sustain a challenge to the four clubs already embedded in the Champions League, the income from which had, effectively made them untouchable. City voted against it as did Fulham, West Brom and Villa. The proposal was only carried by the tactical abstention of Reading.

At this point, you suggest we should have "opted out" ? And done what ? Ceased trading, written off a billion pounds worth of investment ? In effect there was no option but to "sign up to the rules" and pretending that all this is something we were willingly a party to is more than disingenous.
The club believe xenophobia is at work here.
Judging by discussions with knownowts in work, the media have done their job.
It’s all down to dirty Arab money laundering.

I’m serious. I started cursing profusely the other morning, which some more moderates said was unlike me.

However this is the stupidity that people who don’t even have an interest in football, latch on to.

In the midst of fucking and fucking some more I mentioned Standard Charter.
How much?

Xenophobic or whatever you want to call it. It’s them dirty money laundering, oil money Arabs and the honest broker ‘merican control freaks. Take your pick.
Judging by discussions with knownowts in work, the media have done their job.
It’s all down to dirty Arab money laundering.

I’m serious. I started cursing profusely the other morning, which some more moderates said was unlike me.

However this is the stupidity that people who don’t even have an interest in football, latch on to.

In the midst of fucking and fucking some more I mentioned Standard Charter.
How much?

Xenophobic or whatever you want to call it. It’s them dirty money laundering, oil money Arabs and the honest broker ‘merican control freaks. Take your pick.
m8 there's literally nothing you can say, nothing will change their minds, ever. So tell them you dont give a shit because we beat them so much. Thats where their pain is.

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