PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Yep, he shouldn't be hung out to dry. Someone senior to him needs to step the fuck up for a change
Pep shouldn’t be obliged to speak about an ongoing investigation or whatever it is, if some balloon asks about it I’d just get up and leave the room, not like they’ll have anything positive to say in the first place fucking rats.
He's in court all day today. Hopefully tomorrow.

On an unrelated note, Soriano should go at the end of this season. Regardless of the rights and wrongs of the PL investigations, all of this stuff has happened under his watch, and City have flown too close to the sun too many times in the pursuit of maximum commercial growth.
Aren't most of the charges from before Soriano's time though? It'd have been Garry Cook and Co for most of this stuff.
Don't be dramatic.

Pep didn't act like he gave a shit with the UEFA stuff and he'll carry on as normal with this.
He clearly did 'give a shit', though... Just look at how the club reacted when the charges were dismissed.
Farcical this tbh. As an Everton fan, these rules are a shambles from the get go anyway. Can bet who this has been pushed and pushed by - our loveable neighbours no doubt. Fine with stealing your scouting info though.

Football sustainability should always be about clubs safety. Instead of targeting clubs wanting to invest, why not take aim at Madrid, Barca, Utd who are saddled with hundreds of millions of debt to line their owners pockets.

Hope you not only get found innocent, you manage to get the whole finance/FFP pony show obliterated while you are there.
Let's be honest here, none of us knows for sure if City have been naughty or not. We do know there has been a concerted effort to reign us in (The shithouse 9) and that certain clubs have way too much influence in the Premier League hierarchy. I can only hope and pray that we blow these allegations out of the water, and when we do, I hope we blow the whole fucking house of cards down.
Failing that, see you all at Macc away
have you seen the state of some of these charges. weve alledgedly broken these two ....

K.20. The height of the pitch grass shall not exceed 30mm and the entire playing surface
must be cut to the same height. The grass shall be cut so as to display straight,
parallel lines across the entire width of the pitch, perpendicular to the touchlines. No
other form of pitch presentation (such as circular or diagonal patterns) is permitted.

K.12. Each Club shall provide accommodation capable of being used as a drug-testing
room which shall be near the Players’ and Match Officials’ dressing rooms and
inaccessible to the public and media.

If we had a shit hole like the swamp they’d a thousand offences! That place is a health and safety death trap
Do you think top players are going to join in the summer after this? Or if even a single one of the allegations is true Pep will stay? You're a plastic - just pretending its all sound because you went FA cup last week is not going to solve the problem. We are being accused of accounting fraud.

Same answer applies. Fuck off.
Do think it would be funny if the fact they’ve basically said there is no time limit on things for PL investigations that we can actually prove once and for all that they’re conniving dodgy biased cunts and it all unravels.

Imagine dying on your own hubris

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