PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Sorry, are you talking about the British government that for years has lied, cheated and allowed its cronies to commit fraud themselves? I don't think the moral high ground is all that high in this case
I think you’re confusing Government with the machinery of Government. That operates practically independently of party politics and isn’t a Tory v Labour thing.
Close Government ties between Abu Dhabi and the U.K. have been long-term and transcend the party politics of the day.
I think you’re confusing Government with the machinery of Government. That operates practically independently of party politics and isn’t a Tory v Labour thing.
Close Government ties between Abu Dhabi and the U.K. have been long-term and transcend the party politics of the day.
Actually I think you confuse government with the Civil Service. I clearly referred to the British government, so typified by Boris Johnson, that has lied, cheated and robbed the British people of so much, simply to make himself and his cronies richer. It is he, Lettuce Liz and now Richer Sunak that decide foreign policy and how they interact with foreign nationals, including whether they put them in the House of Lords. The only criteria seems to be one of self greed
Hardly a glowing endorsement though
You are right,all I am doing is highlighting its a worldwide problem, whereas you are making it a political party issue.
I can well remember scandals on both sides of parliament in this country and the country you reside now going off your user name.
Where ether their is money or power there is corruption and deceit ,unfortunately .
Unless we file a court case for defamation by accusing us of committing fraud.

Very much like how 1 company is suing Fox in the US for defamation by accusing them of committing fraud. They are suing for 1.6 BILLION.

I'm sure City could sue for much more than that! And since we likely have the receipts.. we could get a judgment that would really damage the EPL and those teams who have a vendetta against City.

But its only if we have the balls to go to court!
I am convinced we are seeing sabre rattling on both sides which could turn out bloody but in the vast majority of cases results in a settlement, but a settlement that favours the stronger side and that is us.
Which makes you wonder what the Premier League's motivations are in all this.

If they've already seen UEFA have their arses handed to them in a very similar court proceeding, why would the Premier League then choose to follow in those exact same doomed footsteps?

You could ask the same about UEFA although the emails in isolation don't look great so I can see why they had to at least talk to us. Since the PL had already started, they have to finish the process. At this point I think it suits City too.

But if this all ends in the Premier League taking a comprehensive pounding in court, then will that really enhance their reputation as a respectable and competent body?

Say what you like about the Premier League, but the public image they have carefully cultivated over many years now is one of slickness and coordination. It would be very surprising if they were suddenly carefree and foolish enough to throw all of that away.
You're jumping the gun a little there, so far we've only been charged so court if needed would be a long way down the line.

If the ITKs are correct then 4 out of the 5 major charges (it seems everything else hinges on these 5 threads if you like) have already been put to bed from City's perspective at least.

The panel can easily decide that our evidence is overwhelming and dismiss all charges including the non-cooperation ones perhaps.

I can only repeat what the ITKs keep saying on here, that City are extremely confident. I know I am, and I'm as far from ITK as possible.
When will all this be sorted out then do we know, our day in court so to speak? It feels like it has dragged on a good while now. Sorry if it is more complicated and multi-stepped, I just zoned out of this stuff a long time ago.
I am confident that this will fail just as the others have failed

However I am pretty sure that those behind it know this as well, but what they are after is reputational damage, and they have somewhat succeeded in this

We are fighting a Cartel of clubs I am pretty sure that City are up for the fight and may land a few sucker punches along the way
When will all this be sorted out then do we know, our day in court so to speak? It feels like it has dragged on a good while now. Sorry if it is more complicated and multi-stepped, I just zoned out of this stuff a long time ago.
I'm not even sure if the panel has been appointed yet? If and when, they'll have our skip full of evidence to consider and then personal evidence requested and (presumably) given. Then they'll have to consider everything and perhaps ask for further clarification. After that will depend on their conclusions. So it's, how long is a piece of string really.
Actually I think you confuse government with the Civil Service. I clearly referred to the British government, so typified by Boris Johnson, that has lied, cheated and robbed the British people of so much, simply to make himself and his cronies richer. It is he, Lettuce Liz and now Richer Sunak that decide foreign policy and how they interact with foreign nationals, including whether they put them in the House of Lords. The only criteria seems to be one of self greed
I was thinking of the diplomatic corps, the foreign office, treasury and MOD officials and all the machinery of government…not the here today gone tomorrow politicians. You’re just having moan about Johnson etc. maybe you’re right to do that but these senior permanent officials will be the real stewards of long term international relationships with key allies like Abu Dhabi. That was the point I was trying make beyond the grubby politics.

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