PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

After the CAS judgement I remember someone saying it was akin to being cleared of a murder charge but being fined for resisting arrest.
This could be similar with a large number of charges making it look more materially serious but actually none of them being individually that bad.
But the non-compliance charge is the one that counts. That is the stick to beat us with- you still hear people saying ‘non-compliance means you have something to hide’ even after the CAS said clearly that no inference should be drawn from it.
Even after a total acquittal by CAS they still use this a sign of guilt.
It worked once, why not try it again?
Not doubting a word your saying, but if it is so clear cut on our side, why has it gone on so long, I would think it's in the clubs interest to sort this, it does our reputation and the owners Nation's reputation so much damage.

And again this must be costing and will cost the PL ten's of millions in legal fees alone, not sure they are as daft as to continue for no reason.
I don't see why the club would have any interest in providing the prem with anything before they are required to do so. They have been investigating for 4 years, in which time we have won the title several times and blown away most of the records in the league. As you say, they have likely burnt through millions in the process and now we have the opportunity to finish it once and for all. As City said during the UEFA investigation, we had no reason to believe it would be fair and proper so we simply stopped speaking to them and just saw them in court.

Now they have come to the party, we can get started.
Arsenal season ticket holder reviewing the case for Arsenal’s biggest rival for the title. Brilliant.

I see he’s a highly experienced and professional KC whom I’m absolutely sure will not allow his football allegiance in any way to affect his professional integrity.

As I’ve already stated, I do not support the concept of FFP because it’s anti-competitive and whether we like it or not (I don’t) they are the rules. As sympathetic as I am to City and what seems to me a politically motivated enquiry against you, if you are found to have breached the rules, surely, the board at City needs to shoulder some culpability?

But more important, if the FA PL are going to act tough, then I want to see them ensure all clubs obey the FFP rules (or better still, get rid of them) and have a look at Chelsea for a start.
No, on the contrary I suspect that in the end it benefits neither the league, its brand, nor City for the sanctions to be of any real significance. I'm just guessing btw and have no professional insights or anything like that, but I can see it being a points deduction which maybe means a season out of the CL, and a slap on the wrist. But not much beyond that.

The wider damage to the club's reputation is now done. We've gone from old titles being questioned to literally every season up to and including the 100 point one being in breach of PL rules. Whether we win or lose from here, the damage is done.

People have short memories.

Juve went down and within a couple of years were back up in the same position as they had been and everyone acted like their punishment never happened (until they ballsed up again!).

Look at all the shit Rangers went through. They started from scratch. Now it’s back to the same old Celtic/Rangers as the top 2 as if all that went on never happened.

Worst case scenario, we take a huge blow, but it wouldn’t be the end. We’d come back in time having rebuilt and years down the line the talk would be ‘I forgot about that, the time when Man City were made to be relegated….feels like ages ago now’.

Newcastle are showing this season just how quickly you can go from fighting relegation to fighting for Europe with a good manager and some well made investments. It wouldn’t be long before we were back.
One thing about this story is still a bit unclear in my mind. If the PL have spent four years investigating and have come up with enough “evidence” to lay dozens of charges against us, what, exactly, is the independent commission’s role ? It is going to reinvestigate everything over again ? Is it merely going to rubber stamp the “evidence” and decide on the punishment, or is it going to act a tribunal, hear both parties evidence and find in favour of one side or the other.
Is the decision binding or is there a right of appeal ?
They didn't even do Soriano the courtesy of giving him the charges before giving them to the media and specifically to certain journalists. City have won 4 of the last 5 PL titles and that's how the league chose to handle it. That means we have absolutely no relationship of any real respect with the people running the league, and that's squarely at Soriano's door as he is the guy who sits in all those meetings.
It’s very hard to build a relationship with anyone who will knife you in the back the first chance they get. City upset the cartel once Sheikh Mansour arrived. His arrival fundamentally changed the league and a lot of clubs haven’t and probably won’t ever forgive us for that.
With the PL sifting through over 100 irregularities over 9 years, think about that, WTF, they will get a few irregularities to stick, and in doing so, will be able to say City were cheating and our investigation was necessary.

CAS found City guilty for not cooperating with UEFA, which led to a fine, and the narrative in the press and across social media that City had been found guilty by CAS.

It's the biggest stitch up in PL history by the PL.(and their cartel clubs)
If that is the case I would imagine the club will pursue one of the biggest slander/libel suits in the history of Sport.

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