PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Nothing personal, but I fear that’s real flight of fancy stuff. You honestly think the public, having been egged on by the rag and dipper stooges in the media for the better part of 5 to 10 years, will roll over and accept a closed doors fudge?
Not like you to see the gloomy side, mate! :-)
In simple terms is it like driving down a 40mph road at 40, than a year late the speed limit is dropped to 30mph and you get nick for speeding because the road is now 30 ? And I should have known that the 40mph meant 30mph a year ago lol
Here’s another driving analogy. You come across a road that has no speed limit sign. You approach the local police and they confirm that currently there isn’t a limit, but it is going to be 40. You get reassurances from them, so drive along at 35. The following week, you get a fine in the post for driving at 35 in a 30 zone. You are outraged, but they explain that due to local pressure, they had to reduce it to 30 and therefore you are guilty. Although you are fuming, you take the “pinch”, as you know you need to get on with everyone.

Years later, you get another letter in the post with another fine as they have come up with a witness who says that you had souped up your car and hadn’t informed your insurance so you were driving illegally. You challenge this in the courts and although you are found not guilty, are charged an adminitstration fee…

Sound familiar??
I think the Mancini thing is a minor part of the investigation and the large part is did the club inflate sponsorship revenue. If you look at when financial fair play was implemented by Uefa it was in the 2011/12 season, the Premier league adopted it in the 2013-14 season. How can they retrospectively apply those rules to things that happened before 2013?
I guess they might be arguing that if City paid Mancini for his second job that should have been shown in the accounts we submitted to the Premier League. Not FFP related, but supplying false information. But good luck with proving that.
I like analogies and the car speeding fine (we were going at 30mph and they retrospecively changed the limit to 40mph.) isnt a good one for this isnt it. Its not like they changed the rules but changed the documentation required to apply those rules.

So, using that speeding analogy.. we were going at 30mph. And then last year the PL changed the rules to say we need to investigate those things so you now need to provide dashcam and satnav information. We said no. They will say if you've got nothing to hide then show it. (I think all clubs have something hide).
For me all these are just utter bullsh@@it.
Most top teams more or less do many financial "tricks", illegal things, semi-illegal things, hidden paychecks, money laundering, etc, in the background.
Real Madrid and Barcelona must be the kings of that, doing it on a factor of x1000 compared to PL teams.

But Liverpool, United, Chelsea that control everything by now and were the eternal champions, they hate the fact we have entered very dynamically the party and spoil their monopoly dominance.
This is the whole story!

I think(and hope) nothing will happen to our titles, maybe some financial fines sure but no one will hurt our hard earned tittles.

Even if they are so hypocritical and do it, then for me and for most of the football world is irrelevant.
The Centurions' FOOTBALL PLAY, as also all the other versions of City FOOTBALL PLAY(especially with Pep), was unprecedented and amazing and they CANNOT erase it from our memory! We WON these 6 championships because we were better or far better and with playing mesmerizing FOOTBALL! Not because we cheated more than the others.

They can properly f@ck off, all these can't be erased from history!
100 points can't be erased. 18/18 wins can't. 14/14 wins can't. Aguaeroooooooooo can't. And all the football(especially under Pep) can't be erased.
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Why would we be happy to drag this out?

If it does drag out then our evidence may not be as irrefutable as we claim.

This needs sorting and quickly ( Sadly the legal profession does not know the meaning of quickly) for everyone involved.
Drag it out until it disappears into the distance future. We all hope it is not the case and the club have evidence to clear our name.

Premier claim they have evidence to charge and city claim irrefutable evidence. I don’t see how the premier can win if they are coming up against a brick wall when requesting additional information from city. You either have the required documents to find us guilty or you don’t.

Who knows how the club want this handled? A quick resolution does not seem possible at this stage so the only viable alternative is to drag the process down.

Could be completely wrong, regardless we all need patience for this case to start and finish. Which is torture for us fans.

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