PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I have mentioned this before, but any organisation acting in a quasi-judicial way must follow the rules of Natural Justice or risk having their decision quashed by the High Court.

The concept includes the following principles:

• A person accused of a crime, or at risk of some form of loss, should be given adequate notice about the proceedings (including any charges);
• A person making a decision should declare any personal interest they may have in the proceedings;
• A person who makes a decision should be unbiased and act in good faith. He therefore cannot be one of the parties in the case, or have an interest in the outcome. This is expressed in the Latin maxim, nemo iudex in causa sua: “no man is permitted to be judge in his own cause”;
• Proceedings should be conducted so they are fair to all the parties – expressed in the Latin maxim, audi alteram : “let the other side be heard”;
• Each party to a proceeding is entitled to ask questions and contradict the evidence of the opposing party;
• A decision-maker should take into account relevant considerations and extenuating circumstances, and ignore irrelevant considerations;
• Justice should be seen to be done. If the community is satisfied that justice has been done they will continue to place their faith in the courts.

Note the third point in particular. It explains why City are questioning the choice of 'judge'. Quite correctly in my view, although I am no lawyer to say so. It seems to me that the judge(s) should preferably have no connections to football at all, but certainly not to PL rivals with an interest in the case.
Now i am under the impression that the reason UEFA locked the evidence away from the first charges, was the company they used was a hostile company, owned by Gill not an independent, which would have null and voided not just City`s punishment, but the 100s of others as everyone would have raised concerns, City could not lock away any evidence so it had to be UEFA.
The PL scatter gun charges revealed their desperation to find something, anything they could use to sanction City. This was after multiple threats and persistent harressment by the Gang of Four. But the PL botched it, numerous errors were found in the charges by posters on here, let alone what our Lawyers have found. If the CPS made those errors against a citizen all charges would be dropped immediately, but the PL is similar to a private members club. Although their disciplinary committee is not subject to the same standards as English civil law the implications of any sanctions would be. This will not be resolved before the UKGOV takes over as the Independent football regulator. At that point the sorry mess designed by the Gang of Four will be revealed for what is, a witch hunt and a Kangaroo court.
But ... but ... but what about the grass? We didn't cut the grass right and a cat ran on the field because of it. That cat has ruined football. I bet it isn't even grass . That's cheating, that is. The Etihad pitch cheated!
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But ... but ... but what about the grass? We didn't cut the grass right and a cat ran on the field because of it. That cat has ruined football. I bet it isn't even grass . That's cheating, that is. The Etihad pitch cheated!
That's Klopp's ready made excuse for next seasons defeat sorted.
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I would have thought that being part of the Premier League establishment (Chair of the Premier League Judicial Panel) was a rather more germane objection than him being an Arsenal supporter. It can hardly be an independent process if someone closely associated with one of the parties is chairing the panel.

Jermain objection? What Defoe are you talking about?

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