PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Simple fact is for all the negativity and accusations the media peddle , not one media outlet since the CAS judgement has provided any evidence in black & white supporting their belief that we were guilty and got off on a technicality or time barred garbage , NOT ONE.
This because the evidence they require to backup their lies , is not there , idiots like Simon Jordan need to be confronted and asked to back up their opinions with cold hard evidence , if they cannot it is slander, and maybe suggest they keep their gormless opinions to themselves.
Well said. To all the goons that suggest we are guilty we should say to them 'prove it!'
City have revolutionised the game and business of football on and off the field. The fact that business models that have been adequate for years (with the assistance of self interested changes in gate sharing receipts, the formation of the premier league and the artificial concept of FFP - if ever there was a misnomer that nails it) have had their flaws laid bare is something that the likes of Levy et al cannot or will not accept. City operate on a different level but instead of recognising a challenge the Luddite big 4 (or is it 5 - who gives a stuff anyway) try to stifle innovation. ‘‘Twas ever thus but the unthinking lickspittle Media have to go along with it. It is seriously troubling how once objective and questioning reportage has been replaced with teenage style fandom.
Delooney on twitter arguing that the scum’s treble means a lot to people (he fails to specify precisely which people- what he means is himself) shows up what a pile of crap it is. Does he really believe Oldham (to pick a club at random) fans give a toss about the history and achievements of any club but their own? This fucking obsession with the red shirts is an artificial concept existing only within his and the other bandwagon jumping arseholes’ minds.
If any of this mud sticks i dont think our club will take it lying down , quite sure we will insist all Premier league clubs have their accounts forensically investigated like ours has been for the last ecade or more , how can the Rags post so many losses and not even an eyebrow is raised.
The Dippers were heading for FFP failure until their convenient £50m invoice for a proposed move to a new stadium on Stanley Park got them out of the shit , and if the premeir league wantto know the ins and outs of our sponsors , perhaps they should look at Standard Charter who have already paid three multi-million pound fines for laudering terrorist money , but the media dont want to upset the feral Dippers followers and lose click/business , it stinks.
I’ve said it from the start of this shit. We surely have dirt on the other clubs. Would be naive to think otherwise
I’ve said it from the start of this shit. We surely have dirt on the other clubs. Would be naive to think otherwise
Our owners have what my late dad used to call a long memory rather than a short temper.

It seems not to have occurred to all those ie our enemies and the compliant media that their written and spoken hatred may be misplaced

Fighting fire with fire may look good but fighting it with investment potential may work better and certainly last longer.

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