PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

They knew back in may,obviously not as prolific but they covered up the whole jimmy saville debacle as he was one of their major stars fronting the popular and huge ratings winner Jim’ll fix it and top of the pops,they can fuck off for me..
Is the correct answer , they can stick their TV license up there corrupt arse for me , the BBC is the bentest , most corrupt media organisation in this country by a long long way , from top to bottom in every single department they are bent , I’ve said it before , it’s the media that set every single agenda in this country , from politics to sport , absolutely everything they have their grubby little fingers in , the BBC are allegedly the flagship , corrupt , swilling around in the tax payers money , patting each other on the back at every single level , the self appreciation society in all its glory. Corrupt is too kind a word.
Think he’s already done plea deals with the police, prosecutors and tax authorities over there to share information in exchange for certain immunities?
I think that was mentioned a good while back but this Thursday will see the verdict and (if guilty) the sentence at some point. This is for approximately 90 charges. Meanwhile within the last week they've given him another 377 charges. The last lot took 2 years...
Think he’s already done plea deals with the police, prosecutors and tax authorities over there to share information in exchange for certain immunities?
I don't think he has done a good deal because they hit him with an extra 377 charges last week albeit lesser charges than extortion. It will be interesting to see what happens. The UK press will ignore it if he is guilty but if he is cleared it will be all systems go with the anti-City witchhunt.
Probably not related at all but I think it is , funny how the naughty disgusting BBC employee is afforded anonymity before an enquiry, but city are guilty in the eyes of everyone without concrete facts isn’t it ? Hung drawn and quartered before facts come out ? For the record , I hope that the BBC employee gets what “maybe” coming to him. Apologies in advance to anyone who is offended by what I’ve said , different agendas completely, but we aren’t afforded the innocent until proven guilty are we ? The darling BBC eh ? You’d think they would have acted on this immediately with their track record , in no way am I downplaying what this toe rag has allegedly done, but the principle is the same.
If only Dan Roan was a "household name".
If only Dan Roan was a "household name".
Whatever it is or happened will get swept under the BBC carpet , after all , another scandal will see the general public telling the BBC to stick their licensing fee up their arse , and for that alone will see people being bought off to keep quiet, there is too much revenue at risk for them , they can’t have another scandal erupting like the last one without a real uproar this time. The BBC are on thin ice , they have been for nigh on 50 years.
The point I’m making is City have been castigated, presumed guilty your honour , we literally are fighting a losing battle, the hypocrisy is astounding, let’s see if Jordan , or Piers fucking Morgan have the guts to question the trough they’ve got their noses in, will they fuck. Let’s pick on a football club instead.
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Whatever it is or happened will get swept under the BBC carpet , after all , another scandal will see the general public telling the BBC to stick their licensing fee up there arse , and for that alone will see people being bought off to keep quiet, there is too much revenue at risk for them , they can’t have another scandal erupting like the last one without a real uproar this time. The BBC are on thin ice , they have been for nigh on 50 years.
The point I’m making is City have been castigated, presumed guilty your honour , we literally are fighting a losing battle, the hypocrisy is astounding, let’s see if Jordan , or Piers fucking Morgan have the guts to question the trough they’ve got their noses in, will they fuck. Let’s pick on a football club instead.
The alleged ‘victim’ is now outright denying anything happened tbf, for balance
This BBC carpet looks like it’s getting bigger judging by the latest news
The alleged ‘victim’ is now outright denying anything happened tbf, for balance
That figures doesn’t it , for balance of course , but let’s ignore their past whilst we are at it , for balance of course. The BBC is just a tax dressed up as doing us all a favour through “content”. It’s a shoddy outfit , and has been for decades , they are the ultimate media “shill”. Feed the goons with shite - only sucked up because the word “British” is in their title to convince the masses.
That figures doesn’t it , for balance of course , but let’s ignore their past whilst we are at it , for balance of course. The BBC is just a tax dressed up as doing us all a favour through “content”. It’s a shoddy outfit , and has been for decades , they are the ultimate media “shill”. Feed the goons with shite - only sucked up because the word “British” is in their title to convince the masses.
And yet I’d still take them against actual far right psychopathic monsters like Murdoch and Rothermere who have been grooming and manipulating the more gullible and stupid sections of the UK population to hate the BBC for decades, just so they can make even more money
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That figures doesn’t it , for balance of course , but let’s ignore their past whilst we are at it , for balance of course. The BBC is just a tax dressed up as doing us all a favour through “content”. It’s a shoddy outfit , and has been for decades , they are the ultimate media “shill”. Feed the goons with shite - only sucked up because the word “British” is in their title to convince the masses.

Personally, I think your sentiment refers to titles like the Sun far far more than the BBC tbh.

Don’t think it’s for this thread though.

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