PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

It was tongue in cheek, but I think there are past examples that have looked a little odd ie. The prominent scientist that commited "suicide" under a tree in a field when it looked like he was going to whistle blow on the Blair government .

Dr David Kelly did blow the whistle but amazingly it was found the government did nothing wrong……. Still.
What's going on now is dragging it out as long as possible by the Prem, hoping that fans opinions will be swayed to a guilty decision because if it takes this long then they have to be guilty don't they ?
Do you really believe that?

If anyone is slowing this down it will be our lawyers checking and challenging every last detail as they should.

I think Projectriver already made that clear. In terms of City and the PL I think they both want this done asap but the law goes at its own pace.
So you are taking this back to a football level ? When it comes to investment in this country the government are not going to allow a major investor to be accused of fraud and have them pull investment out of the country on an accusation, with so far no proof by an organisation like the premier league.
Future investment from Abu Dhabi will also be pulled. It wasn’t long ago that Mansour bailed out Barclays. The amount of money pumped into Manchester is off the scale. You don’t flush that type of investment down the drain over sporting rivalry. The league has taken the sporting fight into the political arena by accusing Mansour and Khaldoon of financial fraud.

This type of charge won’t stand. The premier league is not the be and end all. Rules by members need to be adhered to which is fair enough but all clubs should be treated equally and city are not due to state owned misconceptions created by the media and footballing rivals.

Owner Investment levelled the playing field and Pep/Txiki took us way above the top teams and they don’t like it.

FFP is a dishonest tool that is manipulated like Var to keep competition between certain well established clubs due to past success and commercial might. How is that fair? Look at Everton! Plenty of money spent badly, dodgy ownership model and the premier league is investigating behind closed doors? Why the fuck did they not intervene earlier to protect the club? FFP where are you? Hahaha

City’s owner has shown nothing but respect to all our opponents and kept his word to create a world class club and regenerate east Manchester. The league has benefited enormously from his ownership.

We didn’t start the fire!
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I'm not the slightest bit convinced that the UK government will be leaning on the PL. Whatever your political views (most on here certainly don't align with mine) I think we can agree that this country is a democracy. That said, if the PL have a set of rules that all clubs have to accept then they are perfectly entitled to issue charges and reach a conclusion. Abu Dhabi is a major investor in UK PLC but this country won't stand or fall regardless of what they do or don't do.

I'm not backing the PL here in any way but the point I'm making is that it is up to the club to fight this and hopefully we get the right outcome. Hoping for a magic bullet to make it all go away is wishful thinking in my view.
I think it's naive to think that the government don't have 'quiet words' about matters like this. They are unlikely to 'instruct' but they will be concerned about allowing something to influence relations with such a prominent source of inward investment. That' what 'diplomacy' is all about. I'm not saying that they will command the PL to back off but I wouldn't be surprised if they make it quite clear that they do not want SM to be persecuted. He's being accused of dishonesty and malpractice. That's seriously big-time. I remember years ago when Ford were planning to build a manufacturing plant in South Wales. Their favoured location was not in the development area which attracted the highest grant. They spoke to the government about this and magically the boundaries were changed and that area became one which received the highest grant. The British economy is heavily depend on foreign direct investment and I think its most unlikely that an organisation like the PL - playing games with major corporate players - would be tolerated. They will be unconcerned about offending rag and dipper social media contributors because they are not important in the big picture. The most serious result of this fiasco, as I see it, and which has been made by several of us already is the reputational damage which has been done. However, even that will not upset SM too much as he looks on the the success of his investment which he has achieved in a remarkably short space of time. I doubt if any of us took the takeover statements of achieving a global presence in world football that seriously - but these guys have done it and in many ways just starting. They are unlikely to let this desperate move by the old guard work. Sorry to ramble but it's such a complicated issue.
Do you really believe that?

If anyone is slowing this down it will be our lawyers checking and challenging every last detail as they should.

I think Projectriver already made that clear. In terms of City and the PL I think they both want this done asap but the law goes at its own pace.

The law goes at us own pace but it’s also predictable. How many said it will take years, when it’s that predictable that it will take years then that would have been factored in.
I think it's naive to think that the government don't have 'quiet words' about matters like this. They are unlikely to 'instruct' but they will be concerned about allowing something to influence relations with such a prominent source of inward investment. That' what 'diplomacy' is all about. I'm not saying that they will command the PL to back off but I wouldn't be surprised if they make it quite clear that they do not want SM to be persecuted. He's being accused of dishonesty and malpractice. That's seriously big-time. I remember years ago when Ford were planning to build a manufacturing plant in South Wales. Their favoured location was not in the development area which attracted the highest grant. They spoke to the government about this and magically the boundaries were changed and that area became one which received the highest grant. The British economy is heavily depend on foreign direct investment and I think its most unlikely that an organisation like the PL - playing games with major corporate players - would be tolerated. They will be unconcerned about offending rag and dipper social media contributors because they are not important in the big picture. The most serious result of this fiasco, as I see it, and which has been made by several of us already is the reputational damage which has been done. However, even that will not upset SM too much as he looks on the the success of his investment which he has achieved in a remarkably short space of time. I doubt if any of us took the takeover statements of achieving a global presence in world football that seriously - but these guys have done it and in many ways just starting. They are unlikely to let this desperate move by the old guard work. Sorry to ramble but it's such a complicated issue.
As you say it’s extremely complicated but, I do wonder if the Government were to get involved (which is not inconceivable) they could have made life easier for everyone by halting the process before SM was even accused.
So cobwebcat you are a huge investor in the UK pumping billions of dollars into it, and you are a member of an overseas royal family, and you privately own an internationally renowned sports organisation that is being accused of fraud that because you own them is reflecting badly on your reputation worldwide, and that of your country by association. Are you telling me you would be happy a kangaroo court presided over by an Arsenal supporter decide your fate at a football level , when you by dint of who you are, can talk to Presidents, kings and Prime ministers worldwide yea of course you would !
The law goes at us own pace but it’s also predictable. How many said it will take years, when it’s that predictable that it will take years then that would have been factored in.
I’ve never found the law predictable.

We do know the PL are trying to speed cases up rather than slow them down though.

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