PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

He is right about Liverpool football club being a reflection of the community it represents. Specially if he is referencing how their fans push walls over Italian football supporters then blame decaying stadiums, Chelsea supporters etc. How when they go on Euro trips individuals drop paving slabs on Bulgarian waiter’s heads. How they smash up rivals team buses on Champions League night without a single arrest. More recently throwing cups full of coins onto some innocent bystander who could have been killed but then start crying why they have to play a half 12 kick off on a Saturday as a result of it. When rival supporters remind them of this they go hiding behind tragedy chanting and start talking about their mental health. Yes he is right Liverpool certainly do represent and reflect the vermin who follow them.
This is usually met with replies of "just a few bad apples" or "typical scouse humour".

I'm finding it hard to keep up.
Apparently our fans are;
We don't have any,
No history.

Which one is it?
The standard of proof will still be the balance of probabilities, BUT the PL evidence will need to be ridiculously strong to meet City’s years of AUDITED ACCOUNTS and other witnesses.
The PL will have to show that these audited accounts are flawed. Not very likely. Which would you take as more likely, accounts or a rag bag of bits and pieces?
Wonder when it will dawn on the PL that they are harming their own product by attacking some of the most popular clubs. I cannot see how it can be good for the PL if they threw out City and now Chelsea in order to enforce some riduculous rules only conceived by and to protect the red kartell clubs.
Yeah, but they will will have the red shirted wankers playing in the EPL. That's what they want isn't it???
You guys have no idea how bad it is in Ireland for anti--City bias, Sweeney is particularly bitter, but we unfortunately have Delooney as well, not to mention the TV commentators. The media here is infested with Liverpool fans, parading as independent journalists, they wouldn't look out of place on the Liverpool Echo or RAWK, but incredibly Sweeney writes for the biggest selling daily and Sunday newspaper.

I'm glad someone is finally highlighting Sweeney, he actually wrote this in the sports pages of a national newspaper; "It is Liverpool who have become, as that Barcelona motto says, more than a club....These days the major clubs increasingly resemble major US sporting franchises. Yet there is still something different about Liverpool, a club for which tragedy and triumph will be intermingled for as long as they refuse to deal with feral behaviour. Liverpool remind us of the time when the football produced by a club seemed like a reflection of the character of the community it represented."
fixed it
You guys have no idea how bad it is in Ireland for anti--City bias, Sweeney is particularly bitter, but we unfortunately have Delooney as well, not to mention the TV commentators. The media here is infested with Liverpool fans, parading as independent journalists, they wouldn't look out of place on the Liverpool Echo or RAWK, but incredibly Sweeney writes for the biggest selling daily and Sunday newspaper.

I'm glad someone is finally highlighting Sweeney, he actually wrote this in the sports pages of a national newspaper; "It is Liverpool who have become, as that Barcelona motto says, more than a club....These days the major clubs increasingly resemble major US sporting franchises. Yet there is still something different about Liverpool, a club for which tragedy and triumph will be intermingled for as long as the game is played. Liverpool remind us of the time when the football produced by a club seemed like a reflection of the character of the community it represented."

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This guy has serious mental issues...lives in his own polluted mind...IMO it's criminal that he's actually being allowed to "work" for any publication. Goebbels would me proud...An absolute nutjob...

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