PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

They honestly believe if not for corrupt City, Spuds would have been in the CL in the years they didn't qualify.

Us not cheating to qualify would mean an extra CL space which Spuds think they'd have taken.

My cousin's actually blame their lack of success on City's success. 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ
They’ve won fuck since before I was born and I was 55 last week!!
Cunts in the media falling over themselves to conflate Everton and City are like someone comparing a driver who got flashed doing 35 in a 30, who pleaded guilty to the offence, and got a harsher sentence than expected with another driver accused of doing 70 in a 30 who not only denies the offence but has asked the prosecution to provide evidence of the alleged offence but none has been forthcoming.

There is literally no evidence in the public domain in relation to these 115 charges - and my very strong suspicion is that none whatsoever exists. Certainly none of the cunts conflating the two situations will have had sight of anything meaningful or we’d be fucking sure to know about it.

So yes, City will be punished more severely if the case against us is proven, but presently there appears to be no case to answer, because if there was it surely would have been determined some considerable time ago.

Any talk of City delaying proceedings (which was the prevailing narrative in the media yesterday) is a complete red herring, as is the notion that City need time to prepare to defend these 115 charges. I expect the legal professionals we have engaged could do so in under a week, if required.

If the PL had the evidence to support these charges then we would now unquestionably be at a wholly different stage of proceedings.

Time will tell of course, but I fully expect that the delay is simply because the PL have nothing of substance to back up these charges.

The alternative, namely that the club has committed grand-scale fraud over a sustained period, is not only absurd, but lacking any discernible supporting evidence.

This part of the equation is always conspicuously missed by these cunts in the media.

Funny that.

Been too long since you last talked dirty G.
Jonny Ball. Think of a number. Making it up as they go along.

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City are going to be bankrupt. :-)

The Yank owners of Liverpool, FSG, are going to claim 3 PL title compensations. United will claim an FA Cup and Treble compensation. Arsenal will claim 1 PL title compensation. Inter Milan will claim 1 CL compensation. Perm the rest.
Well most of them are outside the period being investigated.
I get the joke if only it was a joke ;)

But this is serious stuff ! Chelsea failed UEFA ffp the pl are investigating them Chelsea. Rags failed UEFA ffp, pl do nothing, press/media sweep it under the carpet. Everton over spent by peanuts 20mill and paying to build a new modern stadium. 10 points lose.
City cleared by CAS yet the pl come up with 115 charges.
Only a matter of time before Newcastle get charged with something.

Would I be mad in suggesting these clubs get together as one it's clear the red tops are working together to stop any competition.

All these clubs that the pl charge are about improving their success, stadium, community work etc.

Dippers and rags stand for every thing these clubs arent. We all know the dirty history of both clubs. Both clubs behave very similar to each other we could include arsenal as well but I dont think arsenal have bought up houses and left derelict or kick widows out of their homes etc.

I feel the pressure on the pl will find us guilty and than all hell will be let lose and the end of football as we know it.

I can see a closed league with just American owners and an other league for us and others. It will be like darts, boxing, like golf tried. Two leagues fighting for tv rights etc.
Until Newcastle, Chelsea and city do a Saudi pro league and buy the best players
Then they will all start whining again
Look at golf…..if you take the piss too much they will just blow you out of the water
The City narrative is boring now.

But I think reading between all the hysteria, fans are meaning if 1 breach gets 10 points then even if you are guilty of a fraction of the 115 charges brought against you, it could spell relegation.

However nobody knows if any of them will stick. The issue is people just assume that you are guilty of every charge going. They nave no clue whether you are guilty of 1, 8, 45, 90, the full 115 or absolutely none at all!

With trial by media these days, no matter what happens that will stick. You could have every court in the land, high court, supreme court find you not guilty but there will always be the people who wont have it. Seems to be the way of the world these days.

Best thing to do is ignore it. You wont win the argument with some people, it will only wind you up.

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