PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Just said the same to an Everton fan over here, and ended my text with "About these 115 charges we're allegedly guilty of. When was it proven?, and name just one of them, oh, and be specific..... I'll wait"
I bet he doesn't get back to you. My nephew, who is a really nice lad apart from being a rag, who never goes by the way, keeps saying to my lad, because they work tougher, you don't think you're innocent do you? My lad just says that he believes we are and asks him if he can name any of the charges, which he can't. That's the point isn't it, the shit has stuck, our reputation is in tatters with opposition fans and media and even if we are cleared of everything we will still be seen as guilty in their biased eyes.
Yer its gettin borin mate,wankers on talk sport constantly talkin bad of our club,i hope we take them all down,had enough of it,city are growing an growing an growing,and they fuckin hate it,the ammount of pundits an social media that have come out wantin us relegated is hillarious,its just there last ditch attempt to stop this fine oiled machine rippin everythin up,fuck em all,got complete faith in club,i just hope we take a few down aswell
Pundit after pundit ex player all wanting is destroyed. But it’s such a shame for poor old Everton!
Can you imagine the fallout if the independent commission adjudged that we had no case to answer, and were scathing in the behaviour of the red shirts to manipulate the Premier League to their own ends?!
Delicious Irony.
The PL may be quaking in their boots.
If I were representing the club, I would be tempted to make this counter attack as part of our case but that depends on what direct evidence we had of mala fides by the PL. Remember Khaldoon said: “We know what is said.” If the case is shown to be politically motivated with the redshirts applying undue pressure/greymail they are potentially in trouble. Was Jack Gaugham hinting at this?
Just heard the news on Talkshite whilst driving

The sports headline was along the lines of "In the aftermath of Everton's 10 point deduction, those asking about Manchester City are told to be patient"

WTF... Talk about Everton... or mention Chelsea who it appears have a situation far similar but possibly worse than Everton's
Posted this in the Everton thread but it could possibly apply to any club breaking a rule and gaining a sporting advantage. Could lead to absolute carnage. Promotions, play off places, relegation, CL places.

Unless its just lucky Everton it applies too. Any lawyers on here?
Cunts in the media falling over themselves to conflate Everton and City are like someone comparing a driver who got flashed doing 35 in a 30, who pleaded guilty to the offence, and got a harsher sentence than expected with another driver accused of doing 70 in a 30 who not only denies the offence but has asked the prosecution to provide evidence of the alleged offence but none has been forthcoming.

There is literally no evidence in the public domain in relation to these 115 charges - and my very strong suspicion is that none whatsoever exists. Certainly none of the cunts conflating the two situations will have had sight of anything meaningful or we’d be fucking sure to know about it.

So yes, City will be punished more severely if the case against us is proven, but presently there appears to be no case to answer, because if there was it surely would have been determined some considerable time ago.

Any talk of City delaying proceedings (which was the prevailing narrative in the media yesterday) is a complete red herring, as is the notion that City need time to prepare to defend these 115 charges. I expect the legal professionals we have engaged could do so in under a week, if required.

If the PL had the evidence to support these charges then we would now unquestionably be at a wholly different stage of proceedings.

Time will tell of course, but I fully expect that the delay is simply because the PL have nothing of substance to back up these charges.

The alternative, namely that the club has committed grand-scale fraud over a sustained period, is not only absurd, but lacking any discernible supporting evidence.

This part of the equation is always conspicuously missed by these cunts in the media.

Funny that.
I like you.
I just love how every rival fan on social media is all of a sudden an expert on this case and becoming the jury :)

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