PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I was ashamed of myself the other night, played soccer in City top and few of us went for a pint after and the end of the Arsenal game was on. There’s 3 old geezers, all arse fans, watching it. They must have had a few but kept staring at me with city top on, eventually the eldest who must have been in his 80’s comes over, leans in to our conversation and starts verbally assaulting us, lol, with all the usual cliches as you’ve said above. I had him in knots as he didn’t have a clue, couldn’t answer what charges were, couldn’t get his head around our fine last time being for non-cooperation and not cheating etc, but the silly old **** just wouldn’t let it go and is practically spitting on me he’s raging so much by this point. I then had to lower myself to telling him to get the fuck out of the pub and called him a wanker, hahaha.
Should be more ashamed of yourself for calling it Soccer mate?

I was ashamed of myself the other night, played soccer in City top and few of us went for a pint after and the end of the Arsenal game was on. There’s 3 old geezers, all arse fans, watching it. They must have had a few but kept staring at me with city top on, eventually the eldest who must have been in his 80’s comes over, leans in to our conversation and starts verbally assaulting us, lol, with all the usual cliches as you’ve said above. I had him in knots as he didn’t have a clue, couldn’t answer what charges were, couldn’t get his head around our fine last time being for non-cooperation and not cheating etc, but the silly old **** just wouldn’t let it go and is practically spitting on me he’s raging so much by this point. I then had to lower myself to telling him to get the fuck out of the pub and called him a wanker, hahaha.
That's a funny story
I think what we will see instead is a quiet decision in a few years. Something behind closed doors. An agreement of sorts…

Let’s be honest here, the accounts are clean, the paper work from the companies in Abu Dhabi is clean. This is why it’s taking so long! If we had of broken the rules and overspent then fine. If the league has proof we fiddled the books then show us!!!!

The premier is going after evidence they can’t obtain and thus trying to create a narrative that can be interpreted to maybe cast aspiration in our direction of wrong doing or deemed unfair lol.

It’s more a petty play. We know something is not right because United and Liverpool said so, we can’t find any evidence in your books but we will just keep looking anyway and let the media twist the narrative.

I keep going back to the accounts. All the paper trails are clean. All the sponsors paid for a service rendered. How those companies decided to pay is of no consequence aslong as it was within acceptable accounting and legal practice. The der Spiegal emails may have shown a certain way city paid for a service but not illegal. Everything was balanced out before the accounts submitted.

The 115 smacks of throwing their toys out because they have no way of proving anything illegal.
The only way they make this go away is if City stop winning.
He's such a disingenuous ****. Says I haven't watched the video before, but he obviously has. Knows exactly where to pause the video, and when to end it, even though there's still 5 mins of the video left.

Anyone who genuinely hadn't watched the video, would watch until the end, if they were genuinely interested.

He's just another click-bait **** after views.

People should watch the original full video from Nobbins as he's a City fan who who deserves the views instead of that rag

Hypothetically, let’s say the league came to the conclusion that they do not have enough evidence due to 1. because we have done fuck all wrong & 2. They can’t reach the extremely high threshold required to accuse the club of fraud. So out comes a statement saying the case is closed and we are satisfied MCFC have acted in good faith and within the legal and accounting framework. City agree as we want to stay at the top and off we go again.

Another battle won albeit with a few scraps.

All behind this political and financial pressure will be asserted.

It’s only my opinion mate. These things normally go away when no one is looking.
I think it is more likely that the PL stick with it to the bitter end even when it becomes clear they are losing. They are that stupid and the lackey of the redshirts.
If they do drop the charges against Everton, they should pursue a case against the PL, and if the PL don't accept it, go to the courts. They opened this Pandora's box, they can deal with the consequences.

Its getting like football on the pitch is just a by product nowadays.

I have said before I'm not sure if you can sue the pl because in theory as you belong to the pl club you are suing. So suing yourself !

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