PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

i do think the penny is starting to drop with some opposition fans. I met Geordies before and after the game on Saturday in the pub and on the train and they were all great. They have seen the FFP farce in all its true colours. They all appeared to have a deep hatred of Arsenal (because of diving and time-wasting); United (because they lead the cartel); and Liverpool (because the scouse fanbase causes trouble everytime they play Newcastle apparently).
Newcastle and Villa must be looking at the mess they were signed up to in order to defend the status quo, the good it would do their clubs in the long term if their rich owners were able to invest as you would invest in any other business, and wonder what the hell is going on.
i do think the penny is starting to drop with some opposition fans. I met Geordies before and after the game on Saturday in the pub and on the train and they were all great. They have seen the FFP farce in all its true colours. They all appeared to have a deep hatred of Arsenal (because of diving and time-wasting); United (because they lead the cartel); and Liverpool (because the scouse fanbase causes trouble everytime they play Newcastle apparently).
so they didnt mention newcastles shit tactic's last season to get top 4 ok
Different governing body
UEFA is different to the PL. But the PL launched their own investigation after we were cleared by UEFA and have gone back 15 years into our finances. They have not done the same with United. Some of the PL allegations centre on image rights for our players. United have led the way on players' image rights for decades and have repeatedy been investgated by HMRC because of it. Even Phil Jones got a £4.3m pay-out. One rule for us and another for them.

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Newcastle and Villa must be looking at the mess they were signed up to in order to defend the status quo, the good it would do their clubs in the long term if their rich owners were able to invest as you would invest in any other business, and wonder what the hell is going on.
Fuck Villa, their fans have been the biggest bunch of bitter aresholes towards us out of everyone bar possibly the Scousers.

FFP (or P&S regulations as we now call it) in its current guise is anti competition and anti football in my opinion, but if you championed it previously when you thought it might bring about City’s demise, then excuse me if I have a chuckle now that you’re crying it’s hamstrung you.
There should be fiscal rules but aimed at protecting clubs from dubious and nefarious owners
Responsible investment is good as Mansour as shown with City turning a virtual bankrupt business into a multi million pound asset and being clever enough to have got his original investment back by selling a percentage This has happened before of course in the distant past LFCult with the Moores family who also bankrolled Everton,know as the Bank of England club because they had wealthy owners. The rags had a listing on the stock market when Edward’s was shown the potential by Knighton, which also coincided with the PL formation aka “The greed is good league” Recently Everton were reckless with new investment an owner who frankly thought throwing money at something was the answer,
all well as good when the money was bankrolled by his mate a billionaire but that went to shit when Putin waved his dick at Ukaine
So, what should the fiscal rules be?
First of all debt should be controlled as a ratio of debt to t/o
Owners should be made to cover debt and x years operating expenses with a Escrow account to ensure the longer term stability of the club

Of course debt control and Escrow accounts would be against the interests of many owners as was shown when the original UEFA FFP was changed to exclude debt
Evertons response to the charges ;

Everton statement:

Everton Football Club acknowledges the Premier League’s decision to refer a breach of Profit & Sustainability rules (PSR) for the assessment period ending with the 2022/23 season to an independent Premier League commission. This relates to a period which covers seasons 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23. It therefore includes financial periods (2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22) for which the Club has already received a 10-point sanction. The Club is currently appealing that sanction. The Premier League does not have guidelines which prevent a Club being sanctioned for alleged breaches in financial periods which have already been subject to punishment, unlike other governing bodies, including the EFL. As a result - and because of the Premier League’s new commitment to deal with such matters “in-season” - the Club is in a position where it has had no option but to submit a PSR calculation which remains subject to change, pending the outcome of the appeal. The Club must now defend another Premier League complaint which includes the very same financial periods for which it has already been sanctioned, before that appeal has even been heard. The Club takes the view that this results from a clear deficiency in the Premier League’s rules. Everton can assure its fans that it will continue to defend its position during the ongoing appeal and, should it be required to do so, at any future commission – and that the impact on supporters will be reflected as part of that process
Newcastle and Villa must be looking at the mess they were signed up to in order to defend the status quo, the good it would do their clubs in the long term if their rich owners were able to invest as you would invest in any other business, and wonder what the hell is going on.

Villa actually voted against FFP at the outset.

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