PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Shows the lack of intelligence the average fan of most clubs have ! Hope one of these idiots is on the independent panel !
Our owners probably buy all the chips and pies too, even though the food is contracted out on a similar basis.

It just shows how little truth matters these days. Narrative trumps facts.
I agree with you. I remember hearing the words, “Manchester City must be stopped” rather a lot around the time of ffp being mooted. Everton fans were amongst the loudest, many of them saying SM should have bought their club instead of ours because we had “no history”.

Bollocks to them.

There were direct quotes at the time from former Wigan owner Dave Whelan, revealing it was all designed to stop City because noses were out of joint.

My thoughts, not entirely finished in a multi reply, thread to Sam Lee posting clearly ironic replies to the report about Nottingham forest and Everton being charged for PNS violations under FFP.

I have several notes about more of what I wanted to say, but I chose to stop

One bit I wanted to include which I mentioned was more emphasis on accountability for the journalists, who are supposedly experts, interested in investigating and asking questions as a profession, demonstrating what I was trying to ask questions pointing to what I would consider reasonably fair as a criticism of questionable self awareness versus leaning into chest thumping finger, pointing scape goating, bullying and blaming.

And while they may have thought they had good intentions the self-righteousness is always assigned, if not, at a minimum a reason to raise flags when anyone engages in this kind of behaviour.

The statute is the legacy of muckraking as we call it in the states, at least journalism or tabloid propaganda level journalism in the UK media is not an excuse for very intelligent, smart, supposedly caring individuals to not press and push on concerns that city fans raised about FFP from the beginning Rather than write us off as a bunch of ignorant, close minded, unwilling to listen to reason because we benefit humans.

You never know who might be telling the truth, and you should always be wary of those who have power in Nari, who might be playing puppet master in the background, and using you for their own purposes.

Go watch Oppenheimer or the latest Scorsese film, killers of a flower moon, which I just saw, and was moved deeply saddened by its demonstration of the harm caused by incredibly for perfect examples of Machiavellian behavior

The kind that dominates too much of human history by the powers that be that are always out there playing puppet master and I know as a mental health professional, that this is real in various mental health condition, forms to exist and happen and has happened in human history when things can go very very bad for us all I exploiting the kindness, worries, and at times good intentions of those susceptible to their games and manipulation.

That, especially can be those who care about things such as justice, and what’s right they are masters of playing such types, unless you decide to actually listen to other other points of view, then get stuck in what seems like an easy way or target to focus on attention upon the big bad wolf.

The bottom line is I’m much better than FFP could’ve been explored and implemented from the beginning, or as soon as the science that something was a mess became a parent fans who were ignored

And I don’t think it’s not completely implausible that the “115 charges” a giant piece of propaganda, realizing that we would escape the PNS violations, and that this is an optics nightmare for the populism and hysteria they’ve caused by blaming us for problems that are more far nore complicated than just “state run clubs“

But who wants to into complexity? It’s always easier to play goodies versus baddies

Our brains like that better, but that don’t make it right or best for all of us in the long term

And the super league, the thing that everyone’s afraid of is more likely than ever because of this decision and inability to look at themselves rather than point fingers.

And I love our fans, and I empathize with everyone, even as I said on some level, but we also sometimes didn’t help, but I don’t blame us, because we were bullied and mislabeled and misheard and written off and have far less power in terms of the conversation

The chickens come to roost and it sucks for us all.
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Fucks me off that our club had to fight ffp on our own, navigate a path through all those restrictions, for them to now moan that is is restrictive. Really fucks me off that.
“A rising tide doesn't raise people who don't have a boat. We have to build the boat for them. We have to give them the basic infrastructure to rise with the tide.”
Rahul Gandhi
The school of thought I've been privy to, is that the PL is going to be very charges happy over the next few weeks - more clubs accused. Perhaps once there are more accused than not - and the ensuing melt down and confusion - they will say ok we're suspending the charges in the interest and integrity of the current, ongoing competition. It's a way out for them and I imagine they're desperate for one. The legal fall out after any guilty findings will make this look harmonious.
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Before you get annoyed at the relentless bollocks posted on social media and in sports columns, just consider two things:

1) Most of them are thick; and
2) All of them are jealous

Opposing fans it's normal it's the written media that spout shite that's the worse

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