PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

my assumption is they are accusing us of fraud have not handed over the evidence to the police therefore we are not guilty of most charges apart from possibly none cooperation

I agree. If evidence existed of fraud by the City execs then it wouldn't be left to the league to investigate and a poxy PL panel to judge, it would be the HRMC, the Serious Fraud Office, the National Crime Agency and then the Crown Court.

I also doubt the league would sit on this evidence without passing it to the authorities.
Agreed. Masters repeatedly stressed yesterday that a date had been set for the panel. He wouldn't identify a date. He wouldn't have said that if major developments were happening next week...unless he was out of the loop. And if he is out of the loop then all bets are off for his future at the PL.
When you look at Masters, how he conducts and presents himself, how he responds to questions, his demeanour and command of the room - the whole thing makes more sense.

He’s hopelessly out of his depth and this is brought into even sharper relief when you objectively assess the quality (relative and absolute) of senior management at City.
I'll add Matt Slater to the list of people who fully understand the actuality of the charges City are facing.

Very full and fair treatment of City by this panel. What a pleasant surprise. More journalists need to say these things…some of the utter shite written in the Mail & DT about us by so-called sports journalists is beyond belief to be honest.
When you look at Masters, how he conducts and presents himself, how he responds to questions, his demeanour and command of the room - the whole thing makes more sense.

He’s hopelessly out of his depth and this is brought into even sharper relief when you objectively assess the quality (relative and absolute) of senior management at City.
He's the Paula Vennells of football
Prestwich_Blue said:
Our charges are nothing to do with the PL's Profit & Sustainability Rules. They are to do with wider PL Rules about reporting true and fair accounts and acting in good faith.
And even quite a few Blue Mooners don`t understand this Colin.

How can the Premier league charge someone for not acting in good faith when they cannot act in good faith either. Ffs
Does acting in good faith include sending a letter demanding our exclusion from European competition until an appeal is heard? If not then why arent the club's who signed it not charged for breaking that premier league rule!
I'll add Matt Slater to the list of people who fully understand the actuality of the charges City are facing.

Believe it or not that was more or less my explanation to some Scousers at work today, all I got back was “brown envelopes” but they couldn’t explain why these same envelopes didn’t stop the PL taking the action they have. The mask has really slipped with some of the Scousers I know both blue and red.
It’s funny on RAWK. They’re praising Harris and his continued obsession to see us ruined. Hes like some god-like hero to them, infact if the worst happened I envisage a statue outside murderfield.

Someone on there has also predicted a 40 point deduction, and then, through sheer paranoia, says it won’t be dished out until a season is deemed where we wouldn’t win the PL anyway, so it looks like we’ve been punished but everyone saves face.

What a fucking weird bunch of people they are on there.


Lets be honest, hes stayed awake all night thinking that one up.

However.............they dont care about us.
I believe City are 100% innocent.

But I cant help but think City cant be cleared. The hatred towards City built up by our press/media makes it impossible for City to be cleared.

The pl is a multi billion pound business the damage to it would be enormous if they clear their most successful club. They say City are cheats, fraudsters. Surely a City win would mean lots of the top people at the pl would have to resign.

I can't see another of verdicts than guilt by this kangaroo court. The fall out should City be cleared from or press/media will be horrendous.

Like I say I believe City are 100% innocent but dont see with all the hatred built up from our press/media makes it impossible for the pl to find City innocent.
Pretty much my take on it all.
I have zero trust in the corrupt PL and certain members.
I hope if they do have to pin something on us, it’s the non cooperation charge.
I’d feel much more confident if it truly was an independent panel.
I can understand why some people fear a stitch-up, but it's going to be a long 18 months or so if you start heading down that rabbit hole. That way madness lies. Until we see anything to suggest the contrary, I'm going to assume that the panel will be independent and that we will get a fair hearing. Otherwise, what's the point in any of this? Personally, I think there is far too much at stake, on numerous levels, for the panel just to hand out some arbitrary punishment to us in order to appease certain parties. The fallout from a guilty verdict will be huge, so they'd need cogent evidence that holds up to extensive scrutiny.
Also a frivolous punishment would leave them wide open to any appeal etc

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