PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Rembember both parties wanted to keep all the details private but that was overturned by a judge. It would be great if we were able to publish all our irrefutable evidence at the end of this witchunt but i suspect this will not happen because any settlement is likely to include some sort of non disclosure agreement.
It will be devastating for whoever loses this case and will result in senior heads rolling on the losing side. The damage caused to the PL would be entertaining but it may not be in our long-term interests to destroy the PL. We may continue the softly approach as we have done with UEFA. If we win it would be the biggest victory in our club's history in my view.

Commission Report.jpg

I imagine the club would want the findings published, with redactions like at CAS.
It’s funny on RAWK. They’re praising Harris and his continued obsession to see us ruined. Hes like some god-like hero to them, infact if the worst happened I envisage a statue outside murderfield.

Someone on there has also predicted a 40 point deduction, and then, through sheer paranoia, says it won’t be dished out until a season is deemed where we wouldn’t win the PL anyway, so it looks like we’ve been punished but everyone saves face.

What a fucking weird bunch of people they are on there.
He sounds like the double negative is a positive dickhead off there.

Most bizarre thing I've ever seen on a fan forum. He managed to twist City winning and Liverpool losing on the same gameday weekend was a positive thing for Liverpool. Lol

What a strange bunch they are!
Any chance next week that some of the 'charges' have been dropped?
E.g. if city have sent them some irrefutable evidence about the mancini breaches might they have been removed?
I can understand why some people fear a stitch-up, but it's going to be a long 18 months or so if you start heading down that rabbit hole. That way madness lies. Until we see anything to suggest the contrary, I'm going to assume that the panel will be independent and that we will get a fair hearing. Otherwise, what's the point in any of this? Personally, I think there is far too much at stake, on numerous levels, for the panel just to hand out some arbitrary punishment to us in order to appease certain parties. The fallout from a guilty verdict will be huge, so they'd need cogent evidence that holds up to extensive scrutiny.

The fallout from a not guilty will be huge.

Joe Public have already made their minds up so if we end up being found not guilty it’ll be littered with every rationale under the sun except, of course, that we might be innocent.
I just can't wait for this to be over and done with. Sick of all the scouse/rags/tarquins etc going on about how we are guilty and should be relegated to wherever THEY want us to be relegated to, strip us of titles THEY never came close to winning yada, yada, yada. Yet not one of these morons have one scrap of tangible evidence to prove these charges. They are not privy to any of the evidence collected by the Premier League, City and their legal representatives. But there they are still acting as judge, jury and executioner, pontificating over others how clean their clubs are when we know different. These people are just beyond a joke.

I can't wait for the fallout that will inevitably come out of any verdict from the inquiry because, win or lose, City will unleash a shit load of hell on the Premier League. Those clubs who thought they are untouchable will suddenly be running for cover as questions, serious fucking questions will be asked about their finances and their adhesion to these FFP, PSR and other rules the league has brought in. Then those fans of the hated 8/9 will be singing a very different tune. And I for one will be enjoying watching them squirm, cower and beg for forgiveness.
for all those that say we cant not be found guilty because it would damage the premier league, we couldnt win the premier league because we were too small, pep would never come to us because we had no history, it was impossible to do the domestic treble, a 100 point season that will never happen, the treble will never be repeated etc etc, to quote jay z difficult takes a day , impossible takes a week, we specialise in the impossible
I agree. If evidence existed of fraud by the City execs then it wouldn't be left to the league to investigate and a poxy PL panel to judge, it would be the HRMC, the Serious Fraud Office, the National Crime Agency and then the Crown Court.

I also doubt the league would sit on this evidence without passing it to the authorities.
When you look at Masters, how he conducts and presents himself, how he responds to questions, his demeanour and command of the room - the whole thing makes more sense.

He’s hopelessly out of his depth and this is brought into even sharper relief when you objectively assess the quality (relative and absolute) of senior management at City.

Masters is on a par with all the chairman, executives and people at the top for the old top six when we were taken over. They totally underestimated our owners and how good they were and just how successful we were going to be. Once the penny dropped panic set in and that's when they rushed through ffp in an effort to stop us. UEFA failed so they threw the ball into the premier leagues court. Hopefully they fail too. Now they've got that ball they're starting to realise just how hot it is and I believe want to drop it before they get really burnt. We'll see but if as our chairman says we have irrefutable evidence of our innocence then some bums must be twitching in their offices.

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