PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Stefan up against two professional broadcasters did so well that they and the programme producers could only use the "relegation" bit, out of context as expected, in their follow up clickbait advert. I do feel the tide of public and media opinion is changing slowly in our favour. The only thing I didn't realise is Stefan worked alongside that up his own arse, smug, arrogant, big headed, full of his own importance snob known as Alistair. But after todays showing I can disregard and not hold that against him;-)
Professional broadcasters? You are being too kind.
One essential difference is that UEFA’s investigatory chamber was corrupt.
1. CAS in our interlocutory case (CAS1) were scathing about Leterme and his handling of the case. We only lost that case because CAS ruled that they did not have jurisdiction unless the case was complete.
2. The chamber leaked confidential data to The New York Times and we know who that was.
3. Leterme was until just before the case a paid director of Bayern‘s sustainability board.
4. The contemporaneous case against PSG, also chaired by Leterme, was so corrupt in letting PSG off that the Adjudicatory chamber of UEFA actually appealed against themselves to CAS.
5. I believe UEFA subsequently dispensed with Leterme’s services.

You forgot point 6 he’s a right little ****.
The tide is slowly turning against FFP but unbelievably people now think it’s to our benefit, as if we haven’t been fighting it for a decade. It’s hilarious.
That's because the thick & bitter numpties of the Trafford Tinkers, in particular, have done so shite over the last 11 years.
How often have the media acknowledged what a great club have City been over the last 12 years ?
The trophies are the definition of a successful team. But beneath this is the firm foundation which should ensure future success i.e. the Academy.
How much money has been generated by selling Academy players who are not up to the very high standards that City demand ?
We will probably bank another £40-50 million at the end of this season when (probably) Tommy Doyle, THB & Calum Doyle leave.
This "selling-on" money has largely been ignored.
In fact, the media seem even desperate that our ex-Academy players prosper e.g. with Cole Palmer.
Finally, our recruitment has largely been a success over the Sheik Mansour era.
Compare the number and cost of any failures, with that of our rivals, especially MUFC.
We should even recoup what we paid for Kalvin Phillips, when he leaves.
As long as City are successful, then FFP is the easy scapegoat rather than analyse their own club's cock-ups...
115 breaches, nothing more than mud slinging.
If they had anything of any substance they would have put all their focus into pushing that through, just think, if we have basically committed fraud the number of avenues the PL could have investigated. Players, agents, other clubs, executives, media, accountants, auditors and so on. All it would take is for a whistleblower to reveal evidence to back up the claims. In the last 10 years not one single person has come forward, and bare in mind the incentives that would no doubt be on offer should someone step forward.

It does frustrate me that everyone says we need to prove that we are innocent, why?
We have had allegations levelled at us, it is for the PL to prove we have done something wrong, the ownership is on them.
'alleged' breaches ;-)
I agree that Stefan was very good.
Let's hope the Talk Sport lemmings now realise that Simon Jordan is not a God, but was put back in his box today.
The problem for me, is when other media outlets deliberately cherry pick bits of the discussion, using them as headlines.
I'm not sure that it was a positive move for Stefan to categorically say he thought that relegation was inevitable, if City are found guilty ?
Agree and disagree. Stephan seemed open and honest. Worked for City in the past, has knowledge and experience relevant to FFP, legal, finance issues etc. I am sure he knew any comments he made would be quoted out of context. Think he is fine to comment as he sees fit. Not an official representative of the club but due to his personal/work experience is able to be much more effective in communicating his views and many City supporters. Hope he rinsed talks port for "expenses"

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