PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

They need to prove we broke their rules. That's all. If they do, it COULD be seen as fraud but I'm still dubious it'd ever get to a proper court. We're not talking about that much money.
I got fined £170 quid for running on the pitch at Ewood Park in 1995. Extrapolate with inflation and we could be looking at minimum of £243 today. We’re fucked (especially if we get a duty brief as shite as the one I had).
I think Stefan is great, he’s fighting the good fight and eloquently outlines the case.

I just think years of smear campaigns, followed by the PL hand grenade(s), have culminated in us being truly despised.

I’d love to say “I don’t give a fuck” like some on here, but it is exhausting and I do miss the days when football was about the football.
Stop reading the internet. Simple.
It’s interesting that everything changed with a few journalists after we won the league title @ Brighton. Many in the media that season had jumped on the Klopp/Anfield /Fenway Sports bandwagon and there was a strong belief that Liverpool would finally win a title… we went on an unbelievable run (as did they) and just sneaked it…. That win put an awful lot of noses out of joint and is at the heart of Liverpool’s problem with City. Liverpool think this should have been their era and they think they should have landed a huge haul of trophies. And if it hadn’t been for City and Pep they would have done - and they really can’t take it… Pep has outperformed Klopp, our squad has outperformed theirs and whenever they have put us under pressure we have prevailed.
Absolutely spot on, and why that season remains my favourite.

It was a gargantuan sporting achievement, and but for the most marginal of calls we were likely to win the quadruple. But maybe losing to Spurs was a blessing. We will never know.

I’m just so grateful I got to experience all that first hand, one way or another. Leicester with the perfect view for the goal, followed by Brighton in the sun a few days later was sporting nirvana. I’ll never forget my drive down to Brighton, on my own, on a beautiful spring morning, contemplating what a journey the whole thing had been. All of it. Except York away, which I wasn’t present for but I hear was quite well attended.

That team was immense. Winning those last 14 games. Incredible sporting achievement. And they needed every single one. What pressure to withstand.

Absolute fucking giants.
They wouldn’t dare. UAE money is too important for the UK

I’m never keen on that sentiment tbh. I’ve spent years arguing to fans of other clubs were privately owned rather than state owned but that only means something if they’re treated the exact same as anyone else is. Otherwise it’s an argument that anyone with any state connection shouldn’t be allowed to own football clubs tbh.
Stop reading the internet. Simple.
I actually don’t (other than this place). Deleted social media ages ago, avoid the usual suspects like the plague (Delaney, Harris, Winter, Evans, Jordan).

Tell someone at work or a social event who you support and then lose another hour of your life either defending the club vociferously or trying to laugh off the jibes, depending how much energy you have.

Unfortunately it doesn’t take the internet to convey the hatred and vitriol out there. I got called a “cheat” by a stranger on the street when I was wearing my City hoodie FFS!!
115 breaches, nothing more than mud slinging.
If they had anything of any substance they would have put all their focus into pushing that through, just think, if we have basically committed fraud the number of avenues the PL could have investigated. Players, agents, other clubs, executives, media, accountants, auditors and so on. All it would take is for a whistleblower to reveal evidence to back up the claims. In the last 10 years not one single person has come forward, and bare in mind the incentives that would no doubt be on offer should someone step forward.

It does frustrate me that everyone says we need to prove that we are innocent, why?
We have had allegations levelled at us, it is for the PL to prove we have done something wrong, the ownership is on them.
Stefan Owned that twat Jordan to the point he was actually agreeing with him
You just knew that talk shite were going to run the relegation story though
Yes - TS were always going to headline the ’relegation’ possibility.
i think the piece went very well by Stefan.
Also, that it has been picked up by other media shows that there is a credible media contributor out there that can speak on this stuff and won’t just play to the obsessed gallery.
Better to have Stefan going on TS and elsewhere, than the usual ‘noun, verb and sports-washing‘ merchants that only demonstrate that they are fans with typewriters and nothing else.

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