PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

What you said wasn't shit in the slightest, just a different approach that's all, but just as valid mate. :-)
Hence why neither UEFA or the PL have ever levied the word "fraud" at City, even after City goaded them to dare use it.

The moment they do, the whole process will be taken out of the PL's bullshit tribunal process, & into the UK Law Courts.

The PL are trying to avoid this at all costs, because they know it'll kill the validity of their FFP/PSR at a stroke.

Just like UEFA's attempt, UEFA's FFP bullshit tribunal = City guilty.

CAS framework based on EU Law = City not guilty.
Seems to me this is where we are at -stalemate, who blinks first !
I'm not a legal expert like some on here;-) but if City do offer the irrefutable evidence they say they have and this irrefutable evidence explains and shows City have done everything right and the IC ignore this and deliver a guilty verdict anyway (kangaroo court anyone).
Would this not be grounds for appeal as the IC have ignored compelling evidence. I will take my bar exam tonight on my bar stool at the pub, if I'm right.
Listening to that it Sounds as though Lfc, sorry the premier league, wanted to relegate Everton last season
LFC, MUFC, sorry I mean the premier league would prefer only 1 (no relegation) franchise per major conurbation. Apart from 2 in that there london
To confirm, this is your opinion and is not supported by any sort of facts.

The PL would not be finding City guilty of fraud albeit they could/would strongly infer it. Any ruling by the tribunal cannot be appealed outside of the PL environment, unless it is founded upon such completely egregious reasoning as to convince a commercial court to take it on, and even then, a commercial court has already ruled the PL have jurisdiction to hear the case, not them.

TLDR version, unless City put forth such evidence as to show completely incontrovertibly that everything was above board, the IC acknowledges it and openly ignores it, the case will end within the PL environment.

I'm not buying that. As I said earlier a £5 Billion +.Business could be ruined aswel as countless individuals reputations by just these Three people with no chance of any appeal.

Not having it.
Not sure I get the point here? Mansour did even better than an interest free loan at the time, he put money in as equity.

A loan isn’t allowed now for coverage of debt under PSR anyway I don’t think.
I’m taking about the allegation that we disguised owner funding as sponsorships
He could have just ‘loaned’ us the cash like Abramovic, loaded us with debt, and saved himself all the bother
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There might me something were over looking, these charges were all alleged during last season before we had the most successful season of any club in English football history ! Winning five major trophies not only winning the Premier League 3 times in a row but becoming undisputed champions of Europe and the world. If the Premier League through the independent panel were to find us guilty how badly would this reflect on those who run the Premier and how badly would it undermine the league ! Let's be honest they'd be no chance of any similar charges being brought on Madrid, Bayern in their leagues or the rags or dippers ovet here in the same circumstances !
Manchester City fans wishing to attend away games in the 25/26 season can do so on the understanding they will be collected at a central point (like the train station), be forced to strip naked and have their hair shaved off. They will then be put in chain gang irons and paraded publicly on the way to the stadium whereby home fans will be encouraged to pelt them with rotten fruit and animal faeces. They will be led Sir Alex Ferguson who will ring a bell shouting “Shame!” as the pitiful March makes its way through rival towns and cities.
That’s a bit too lenient don’t you think?
The PL bungled the announcement of the charges against City. The statement included errors. We all know this. Did their hot shot lawyer, KC Lewis actually advise them before the PL published the charges? If so, looks a bit sloppy for someone of his calibre. Looks like the PL rushed things out without proper legal counsel. Equally, I wonder if it was on KC Lewis's advice to go for the 115 charges rather than a more targeted approach? Is it possible the PL pressed the send button without getting thorough advice beforehand? All looks a bit rushed. Perhaps Masters had a metaphorical gun to his head what with the independent regulator on the horizon and the red cartel plus rubbishy Spurs on his case. We will probably never know.
The PL bungled the announcement of the charges against City. The statement included errors. We all know this. Did their hot shot lawyer, KC Lewis actually advise them before the PL published the charges? If so, looks a bit sloppy for someone of his calibre. Looks like the PL rushed things out without proper legal counsel. Equally, I wonder if it was on KC Lewis's advice to go for the 115 charges rather than a more targeted approach? Is it possible the PL pressed the send button without getting thorough advice beforehand? All looks a bit rushed. Perhaps Masters had a metaphorical gun to his head what with the independent regulator on the horizon and the red cartel plus rubbishy Spurs on his case. We will probably never know.
Not sure when they charged us the envisaged us winning all 5 major trophies on offer thus becoming the most successful side in English football history in one season ! Will certainly harm the Premier League and its officials in they find us guilty as it took them from 2011to 2023 to find these so called breaches !

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