PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

The sentiment shown from this Wyness is pretty much that of 'I'm concerned city are going to get off with it'. So in his head it's like he's already decided we are guilty and the government are going to get us out of jail. Given he's an ex PL CEO is shows you the problem we're dealing with

This really pisses me off. People with no knowledge of the charges constantly sounding off and throwing more petrol onto the fire when they'd be far better off keeping their counsel. This could be seen as an attempt to influence the hearing and our lawyers should be onto Wyness demanding an apology and retraction.

He should be more worried that the PL might have brought a very serious case without adequate evidence. Why isn't he asking why the PL have bought these charges when CAS cleared us?

Dyche was at it in the MEN before yesterday's game, saying that he doesn't understand why it's all taking so long, then qualifying it by saying, "...but I don't know much about the charges".
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Apologies for asking again. I did ask but I forgot to check back. Has PB done part 2 yet?
I'm sure it wasn't just Kenwrights decision alone. The time to kick off was when those decisions were being made, but in truth as fans we have little influence.

Our squad has been brought up to those standards because of our success over the last ten years. Winning trophies brings more revenue and sponsorship. Sure we boosted the squad quickly when there wasn't any financial restrictions, but most signings weren't of the very top quality. They did however get us into the top four and the champions league money.

Prior to ffp being brought in it was a closed shop anyway as the top four was nailed on every year and the champions league money kept it that way. Once Chelsea then ourselves got the money to challenge that they changed the rules.

They killed the dream, the one we've been allowed to live for every other club once they did. Most clubs aren't going to get an investor rich enough to realistically compete so the majority of clubs chairman are happy to vote these rules in so they don't have to spend. They're happy to plod along taking the profits and knowing their place in the food chain. They'll express fake outrage that it's not fair but really they're happy with it.

When they announced the Super league there was outrage & it was turned around. No fan of any other club gave the slightest of shits as they’d happily settled for their spot as also rans behind the sky 4, and were happy that City were being stopped.

Tough fucking shit, if some ate a bit of humble pie I’d be sympathetic but at this moment I’m all out of fucks.
This really pisses me off. People with no knowledge of the charges constantly sounding off and throwing more petrol onto the fire when they'd be far better off keeping their counsel. This could be seen as an attempt to influence the hearing and our lawyers should be onto Wyness demanding an apology and retraction.

Ne should be more worried that the PL might have brought a very serious case without adequate evidence. Why isn't he asking why the PL have bought these charges when CAS cleared us?

Dyche was at in the MEN before yesterday's game, saying the he doesn't understand why it's all taking so long, then qualifying it by saying, "...but I don't know much about the charges".

“I don’t know” suddenly means the same as “everyone knows”
Commentator on the match said that Everton's starting eleven today cost less than Grealish. Must be hugely difficult to fail FFP by 20 million when your first eleven only cost 100 million. Kudos.
That may be the case with the crap team Dyche has put together but Everton have spent c.$850m in the last ten years, hardly a pittance they would have us believe.
That may be the case with the crap team Dyche has put together but Everton have spent c.$850m in the last ten years, hardly a pittance they would have us believe.
It is even worse when you consider Grealish cost £100 million, yet TV deals give you £100 million a year.

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