PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

do you remember when they asked Pep if he is taking unofficial payments from city?

would they ask that from any other manager in PL?
Weird timing with Pep coming out with those quotes about the clubs who wanted us banned for the champions league, only for 3 days later the exact same is happening again. City announced they were surprised with the charges being released today, but I just find Peps press conference quotes strange.
He said those after being asked about if city had spent what Chelsea have would the reaction be different
I don’t think anyone at the club knew this was coming today
Yes the club will still be standing no matter what.

I don’t have a moments doubt we will be cleared, but worse case scenario as with Rangers in Scotland they had to slightly change their company name to be able to re-register as the same club, so I think the statement stands.

It really is, as it currently stands that serious. The highest stakes are being played for here.

I have no doubt as with CAS, City will be cleared, but make no mistake it is time for our club to fully meet these fuckers head on and unleash every and all evidence we surely have by now, and reveal the real reasons behind this clear and unprecedented witch hunt.
We aren’t going bust mate, so why would we have to change our name?

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