PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

They are like a spoiled child. We have nicked his ball so we can have a game of footie. He cannot play on his own and he has gone into one.
Business as usual. All will be well.

I never realised how much City were prepared to divulge to CAS but weren't allowed to.

We need to get behind the lads these next few weeks, make it a real bear pit.

All I know is this as serious as it gets, in terms of them coming to bury us, but we do have the evidence to answer it all back.

The players had no knowledge of any such charges prior to Spurs.

They were just shit.
Will they remain shit now it is all over the media, that is my worry?
Some great points being made on the twitter spaces rundown of today's announcement. The biggest for me is that this announcement will begin conversations in the likes of Whitehall as one of our main trading parties as a country is the UAE.

You can't have one the UKs biggest exports in the premier league accuse one of it's biggest contributors in Manchester City of 9 years of fraudulent accounts with the associations we have to the UAE.

Khaldoon and the other associated board members at City will be making some pretty big phone calls over the coming weeks and months which could affect this country's foreign policy.

It still comes down to the football inbred bias of a judge and after 10 year of negative bias narrative of city are cheating how can that not rub of on a supporter of one these history clubs who mingled at boardrooms of the clubs who want to stab us in the back!
Does it make sense for the PL to destroy City as a club? That's doubtful, for City are an important part of the history of the PL, attract big names and make the league stronger. If they strip us of the titles, they strip the PL of iconic moments like Aguero's goal and iconic title races. The PL would lose more from the worst case scenario than win.

But it makes sense for the PL to weaken City seriously and make the league more competitive. Therefore, the most likely outcome won't be expulsion from the league but heavy sanctions which will seriously harm our buisiness for 3-4 years or so: points deduction, no CL, transfer ban, etc.

Try to understand what makes sense with regard to the image of the PL and you can understand better what's likely to happen.

Now, one can argue that it makes sense for the top 6 that City are relegated and stripped of the titles, especially for Liverpool and United. That's correct. But they are not the PL, plus they also care ultimately about the good image of the PL. What makes sense wrt the image of the PL does not (necessarily) coincide with the private interests of the red clubs.

Personally, I expect heavy sanctions for the club, but no relegation and no stripping of titles.
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Iam really positive and glad we can fight our corner and its out in the open,I have every faith in our club fighting this till the bitter end,its galvanised my love Manchester City and iam 100% confident we will win the war,I don't give 2 fucks what other supporters think their sad little world will come crumbling down and I for one will rejoice in there demise...up the blues....

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