PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

It's taken over a decade for the PL to present their 'case' against us..

I hope for their sake that the spinless twats 'case' is as watertight as a nuclear sub because we've been waiting for this day to arrive..

All the media cowards that have now backed their house should be identified and fcuked off by the club.

I've given bingo and the pisscan some shit on here over the years but it appears the former has had enough media bullshit and the latter fcuked everyone off who wronged him, even the rag central, biased BBC.

Now's the time to clear the decks, get rid of the twats who have disrespected us for years and whilst we're at it, start to throw some serious shit back from where it came..

I'm sick and tired of being labelled cheats when all we have done is lift the PL to new heights and regenerate large chunks of East Manchester in the process.

I trust my club 100%, I wouldn't trust anything the PL have concocted against us.

Both the rags and dippers are for sale, apparently the dippers haven't had 1 offer.

The PL cash cows are at a crossroads and it looks like the PL and media think it's all City's fault..

Fkin good..!

Now let's put this to bed once and for all..!
Get a grip. You can live in delusion if you like. I think most City fans would/have appreciated understanding the nature of the allegations and consequences IF the charges are proven (I made it clear that this was IF).

It isn't a fair criticism (IMO) simply to say I am too negative. It is, unfortunately, inconceivable the Panel doesn't throw the book at the club if these charges are proven. It is an ALLEGATION of wholesale false accounting over 9 seasons. I have said it will be extremely difficult for the PL to prove the case and highly complex and sensitive. I believe I have the understanding and experience to speak on the subject.

But again, I stress, IF proven we have a huge problem and telling me I should be embarrassed misses the point. The board will be the ones embarrassed and a lot more. Don't shoot the messenger.

All the usual Parasites have been quoting your tweets and highlighting you're a blue and think we're fucked. They are fuckin lapping it up the more negative you are about our club.
Time to bulk buy candles folks. Imagine the mark up when the dippers finally realise they’ve still won fuck all!!
Get a grip. You can live in delusion if you like. I think most City fans would/have appreciated understanding the nature of the allegations and consequences IF the charges are proven (I made it clear that this was IF).

It isn't a fair criticism (IMO) simply to say I am too negative. It is, unfortunately, inconceivable the Panel doesn't throw the book at the club if these charges are proven. It is an ALLEGATION of wholesale false accounting over 9 seasons. I have said it will be extremely difficult for the PL to prove the case and highly complex and sensitive. I believe I have the understanding and experience to speak on the subject.

But again, I stress, IF proven we have a huge problem and telling me I should be embarrassed misses the point. The board will be the ones embarrassed and a lot more. Don't shoot the messenger.

I think the problem non legal people, & the vast majority is we don’t look at things without emotion, morals, bias.

That would include every opposing fan who reads the tabloid press baying for blood & probably the execs at the Rags & Dippers as well as City fans.

Lots of noise & lobbying, threatening the prem league to do something. Is it based on law?

Most of us think black & white but maybe we could take a leaf out PIGMOL & say it’s “subjective”.
The thing is Stefan, these same spiteful cunts like Harris dismissed your early insights during the run up to the CAS proceedings, because it didn't fit their narrative.

Yet now you are being held up as an authoritative commentator who also just happens to be a Blue.

Whether you like it or not, and I do appreciate your takes, your input is being used to add negative legitimacy to people who already consider us guilty.

What's changed. Not you. They have changed their legitimacy of you.

I wonder why.
I think my comments were taken for what they were - a qualified analysis of what happens IF the breaches are PROVEN. I can see other fans being giddy at that but my approach is not to sugar coat it mainly for City fans who are entitled to understand the situation if they want to where the club is unable to explain things. Harris published my piece in August 2021 which put City's side (and explained things then (transpired to be a decent analysis)) and I don't think he hides his view. He doesn't need my ammunition.
Business as usual. All will be well.

I never realised how much City were prepared to divulge to CAS but weren't allowed to.

We need to get behind the lads these next few weeks, make it a real bear pit.

All I know is this as serious as it gets, in terms of them coming to bury us, but we do have the evidence to answer it all back.

The players had no knowledge of any such charges prior to Spurs.

They were just shit.
It’s a pity after Villa we have a run of away games, we need to make our feelings known on Sunday.
Could the decision itself be appealed though, or just the financial consequences of it? Does a court get involved with football's internal rules, or would it be a case of City suing the Premier League for lost earnings resulting in a dodgy process? Kinda like Sheffield United. They sued for lost earnings, but the court had no power to retrospectively save them from relegation or kick West Ham out of the league.
According to this article in The Guardian, yes it can: cover four areas,the Premier League in its

This is the key part that answers your question:

"After the commission publishes its verdict, either side can go to an appeals panel and, after that, arbitration. If all that fails, a party could try to find an argument to take to the high court. Under the rules of association of the Premier League there is no opportunity for either party to go to the court of arbitration for sport in Switzerland."

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