PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Tony Evans has clearly had his card marked by the club and he isn't happy...

What is this gibbering oaf talking about; "there's so much we can't write because of the laws of libel". If something constitutes "libel", then by definition it's a false statement and, whilst that's the stock in trade of the likes of Evans, of course any "melonhead" who believes in the principle of journalistic integrity will want it stopped.

If he "knows" anything detrimental to our club, then he should publish regardless. If it's true, he has nothing to fear. The only truth here I'm afraid, is he's another scouse gobshite.
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No, it clearly did not. Just look at the first draft of the charges, riddled with mistakes. There is still one there that only applies to teams coming up from the championship. Lewis would not have missed the errors but sent it back to be corrected. There was clearly a breakdown somewhere.
It’s a bit of an odd argument that them releasing the charge sheet in a hurry suggests Lewis won’t have advised on it. The fact that it was clearly rushed out to beat the news of the whitepaper on a new regulator and related to the old rule book is proof that indeed it had been prepared and agreed long before they released it in a panic.

As has been said, there have been PLENTY of court cases over time, day in day out , all day every day, worldwide where the defence or prosecution have less than 0% chance of winning but a lawyer will happily take the case on because they are paid handsomely for it.

Lawyers are the biggest gangsters going

I didn’t make any comment on whether there is any chance of winning, I merely replied to the comment claiming the PL would’ve laid charges without Lewis’ agreement.

Lost a bit of credibility with the "less than 0% chance" comment there, I think :)

You seriously, hand on heart believe there is even a 0.01% chance that Lewis who has been involved in this process for more than 4 years now did not give his input before the charge sheet was drafted, let alone released?
It’s a bit of an odd argument that them releasing the charge sheet in a hurry suggests Lewis won’t have advised on it. The fact that it was clearly rushed out to beat the news of the whitepaper on a new regulator and related to the old rule book is proof that indeed it had been prepared and agreed long before they released it in a panic.

I didn’t make any comment on whether there is any chance of winning, I merely replied to the comment claiming the PL would’ve laid charges without Lewis’ agreement.

You seriously, hand on heart believe there is even a 0.01% chance that Lewis who has been involved in this process for more than 4 years now did not give his input before the charge sheet was drafted, let alone released?
Guessing: I think it is fair to assume the PL took advice from Bird and Bird and the KC on the merits. The precise drafting of the announcement then prepared by the legal dept at the PL and "checked" but missed by the external counsel. Then the case effectively handed over to Bird and Bird and counsel to run vs City. Bird and Bird then referring back for instructions and involvement of PL legal department. If at any point, Counsel thinks the game has changed (say new revelation or evidence) then of course, Counsel speak up. Counsel don't like losing so speak up. The client doesn't always listen or chooses to accept risk say for optics.
You seriously, hand on heart believe there is even a 0.01% chance that Lewis who has been involved in this process for more than 4 years now did not give his input before the charge sheet was drafted, let alone released?

I don't know, I don't care and I didn't even comment on that.

I merely tried to draw your attention to the fact that the concept of a percentage chance of less than zero doesn't exist, has never existed and will never exist in the real world in this or any other dimension. Unless, I suppose, you are talking quasi-probabilities or quantum mechanics, neither of which really apply to the professional performance of Adam Lewis unless I am very much mistaken.
Think it's wishful thinking, and some of those you tubers jumping on it could end up with egg on their face. I don't think it would be a good look to appear to be silencing free speech before a verdict has been reached. Afterwards Sue away. Saying that I hope the club are fighting back it seems a bit late now if true
It's not silencing free speech though. There is no right of free speech if you're slandering someone (although I guess you still have the right to say it, just that you can be sued for it!)
Without meaning to be a ****, you’ve gotten all overexcited off the back of an anonymous Facebook post by someone whose parents just turned on the parental controls and left them with no after school entertainment.

It's not off the back of just one post though is it, unless all the different people who have posted on here from TH and others happen to be speaking to the exact same source from City, then it's looking more and more likely that things are moving at pace. Yes, I may be wrong in being optimistic about things but I'd take my outlook on life anytime over the alternatives.
Without meaning to be a ****, you’ve gotten all overexcited off the back of an anonymous Facebook post by someone whose parents just turned on the parental controls and left them with no after school entertainment.

Eh? This is exactly what happened. Adam Lewis is the KC who would’ve provided his opinion to support moving forward. There is less than 0% chance charges were laid without his support.
"Gotten" ?

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