PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Anybody else think we are playing right into media’s hands by going on about the 115 charges. Make a song up about ‘we don’t give a f… about the charges’ and get on with celebrating the achievements. Nothing will ever change with the media. They’ve never liked challenges to the big clubs and I think it will ever be so. People can’t stand being ignored and perhaps we should just keep quiet.
Apologies for going slightly off piste but just wondered what others thought about this conversation me and my brother had last week. We've all been so busy defending the allegations that nobody has really discussed how we should feel if we are found guilty.

Like most of you on here I seriously doubt that our owners would commit such a wide range of fraudulent acts when we really never needed to and I believe we have no reason not to trust Khaldoon when he says we have irrefutable evidence to prove our innocence but just playing devils advocate for a moment...

If we were found guilty and it all comes out that the allegations were true and it was proved beyond all doubt that our owners used tactics to circumnavigate/break the rules to gain a sporting advantage - how would you feel about our owners after such a judgement and would you just forgive them for tarnishing our clubs name because we won some (well quite a lot) of trophies?

Would any of you be angry with our owners for taking the club we have loved all our lives and dragging it through the mud for commercial gain and leaving us as fans to deal with the shit show it leaves behind (as we are now)? I feel there would never be any coming back from it as every success from here on out would just be met with the old 115 cheat tag from rivals a they are doing now before our case has even been heard. It would almost be like - what's the point anymore, we were better off without the success but our integrity in-tact.

If the owners brought that upon us I just don't know how I would feel about it all. I think it would be fair to be very angry with them.
You're either very naïve or not a blue. Most of us on here know that any negative answers to this will appear somewhere else in the coming days.
Apologies for going slightly off piste but just wondered what others thought about this conversation me and my brother had last week. We've all been so busy defending the allegations that nobody has really discussed how we should feel if we are found guilty.

Like most of you on here I seriously doubt that our owners would commit such a wide range of fraudulent acts when we really never needed to and I believe we have no reason not to trust Khaldoon when he says we have irrefutable evidence to prove our innocence but just playing devils advocate for a moment...

If we were found guilty and it all comes out that the allegations were true and it was proved beyond all doubt that our owners used tactics to circumnavigate/break the rules to gain a sporting advantage - how would you feel about our owners after such a judgement and would you just forgive them for tarnishing our clubs name because we won some (well quite a lot) of trophies?

Would any of you be angry with our owners for taking the club we have loved all our lives and dragging it through the mud for commercial gain and leaving us as fans to deal with the shit show it leaves behind (as we are now)? I feel there would never be any coming back from it as every success from here on out would just be met with the old 115 cheat tag from rivals a they are doing now before our case has even been heard. It would almost be like - what's the point anymore, we were better off without the success but our integrity in-tact.

If the owners brought that upon us I just don't know how I would feel about it all. I think it would be fair to be very angry with them.
You can't erase the absolute joy that I've experienced over the last few years after nearly 40 years of agony, and even if we are fitted up as guilty & titles stripped away a warm glow will remain thinking about the 15 years we've been around, pissing on the chips of all our red friends.
You didn’t answer his question, just hurled semi-coherent abuse at him for asking a reasonable question.

If the club did do what its accused of I think a lot of people would feel incredibly betrayed, Soriano and Begiristain would be out at a minimum and then city fans would get over it eventually while the club would be made the black sheep of English football for a generation and presumably there would be a never ending stream of lawsuits between all parties.
Spelling City with a lower case ‘c’. Fuck off back to Red Cafe or Rawk and report on that…
You didn’t answer his question, just hurled semi-coherent abuse at him.

If the club did do what its accused of I think a lot of people would feel incredibly betrayed, Soriano and Begiristain would be out at a minimum and then city fans would get over it eventually while the club would be made the black sheep of English football for a generation.
Thank you. And I got called a rag - still hurting that one.
You can't erase the absolute joy that I've experienced over the last few years after nearly 40 years of agony, and even if we are fitted up as guilty & titles stripped away a warm glow will remain thinking about the 15 years we've been around, pissing on the chips of all our red friends.

Correct. Take as many trophies off us as you like, can't take the memories and the friendships we've made over the last 15 years.
You can't erase the absolute joy that I've experienced over the last few years after nearly 40 years of agony, and even if we are fitted up as guilty & titles stripped away a warm glow will remain thinking about the 15 years we've been around, pissing on the chips of all our red friends.
I agree - it was more a question about how would people feel about our owners in that situation. None of us would ever lose love for the club or have our memories tainted but would peoples opinions or perceptions of our owners change. Wouldn't have bothered asking if everyone was gonna get their nickers in a twist. Might jump on twitter where people are more friendly :-)
You didn’t answer his question, just hurled semi-coherent abuse at him for asking a reasonable question.

If the club did do what its accused of I think a lot of people would feel incredibly betrayed, Soriano and Begiristain would be out at a minimum and then city fans would get over it eventually while the club would be made the black sheep of English football for a generation and presumably there would be a never ending stream of lawsuits between all parties.
I wouldn't - i would say good on them trying to find a way past the sham rules designed to keep a cartel of clubs scoffing at the trough.

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