PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

We may never find this out. Perhaps it will appear in a future biography or memoir, but it would be very interesting to know the sequence of events leading up to the PL announcing the charges against City. Who was actually involved? Who did Richard Masters speak to beforehand? What phone calls did he make? What emails were sent? What was the advice from their lawyers? Were emotions running high? Who was putting pressure on the PL? Etc etc. We can only speculate as to what drove the decision for the PL to issue the statement full of errors which later had to be corrected. Remember, City said they were surprised by the statement. It's very likely that there was high emotion at the PL at the time and if that was the case, where there is high emotion, there is a much greater risk of poor decision making. We've all made decisions in our lives when full of emotion and normally with hindsight we regret them. I wonder if the PL are now thinking that they should have exercised more caution. Only time will tell.
At the risk of outing myself as thick as fuck, I struggle with the notion that preposterous charges have been brought by the EPL who must have sought the advice of competent lawyers before they did so. Genuine question to you - do you believe the EPL lawyers are thick as fuck also, or is it the case that the charges were issued by the EPL against legal advice?
For what it’s worth I trust Khaldoon‘s irrefutable evidence statement but as I say it seems virtually unthinkable that any responsible organisation would issue proceedings of such magnitude knowing such proceedings were doomed to fail
Against that, you have to rationalise the PL bringing some charges that CAS stated there was no evidence for, and for which there are sworn statements on oath of denial. A smoking gun of new evidence would be the only explanation and that would have leaked by now. Where is it?
Yeah thats what I thought, its like we signed up to the rules so now we have to just follow them. But maybe it was ill advised for the reasons I was saying though.... I think our owners knew it was biased, that there are forces at play sort of thing.
I mean Mansour has on a few occasions talked about our rivals and how they shouldn't blame us for their fuckups, and a few other things they have said,,, it makes me think our owners see very different PL politics than what gets reported in the media.

With regards to City baiting, that has turned out to be us baiting them now, certainly has for me, I haven't had such a good time on twitter since last time we screwed their heads up. And anyway, even if we're found totally innocent they will always call us cheats, that wont stop unfortunately.
Wasn’t it Khaldoon who told the redshirts not to blame City for their failure?
So many of the mancheaty brigade really have no idea just how badly clubs have been run in the past, and many, eg the rags, still are run like a sweet shop. City come along, manage the thing like a proper company and bingo, we win so we must be cheating.
They will have started with the leaked emails but it's entirely possible they could have found something else in their four year investigation: some other emails adding some further discussion, maybe, or some accounting entries that can be interpreted one way or another.

A difference between the UEFA case and the PL case is that the PL have had more time and better access to information, I think.

PS: Sorry for the string of posts. I just woke up and can't resist .....

Common sense & good leadership was needed by Masters. The arguments about which UAE billionaire paid the sponsorship didn’t provide more than was contracted.
At the risk of outing myself as thick as fuck, I struggle with the notion that preposterous charges have been brought by the EPL who must have sought the advice of competent lawyers before they did so. Genuine question to you - do you believe the EPL lawyers are thick as fuck also, or is it the case that the charges were issued by the EPL against legal advice?
For what it’s worth I trust Khaldoon‘s irrefutable evidence statement but as I say it seems virtually unthinkable that any responsible organisation would issue proceedings of such magnitude knowing such proceedings were doomed to fail
I think they will have been issued against the backdrop of legal advice counselling extreme caution, yes.

I don’t necessarily think they were issued in the knowledge they were doomed to fail, but that they were objectively very likely to, given what is being alleged, and how hard that it to prove, especially viewed through the prism of no discernible probative evidence in the public domain.

I think they were issued on a speculative basis in the hope that they would reveal something. That is never a solid basis upon which to litigate.

So flawed from the outset. And wholly unnecessary, given the outcome of CAS.

And charges that inevitably cast a huge spotlight upon themselves, which unleashed media forces that cannot be contained and caused those charges to become the main talking point of the league as a whole.

Charges that have hugely damaged the PL brand and undermined the credibility of enforcement of its rules against other clubs

Where there has been no palpable progress of the matter in sixteen months.

Against the backdrop of the foregoing, all of which suitably demonstrates the egregiously poor judgement of the key decision makers in the PL, can I believe those decision makers are likely to have ignored warnings to be cautious by their legal advisors?

Yes, I absolutely fucking can.

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