PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Being our most venomous critic is not the legal test though. It’s whether it’s untrue and defamatory - and from a practical point of view worth the mither. It’s why I (erroneously it seems) thought Goldbridge might have had one. Because he’s said things that are defamatory (imo) and he has a huge profile.

But just because he hasn’t had one doesn’t mean others haven’t. It’s ultimately a judgement call for the club based on a number of factors, but do I think it’s perfectly plausible some types of warning have been sent - yes I do.

Did he ever say he hadn't got one? Or was he just advised, maybe, not to publicise it?
He did and he was right. To quote the great Mahatma Gandhi, " First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

The redshirts rested on their laurels convinced their unchallenged success would never end. "Noisy neighbours" as Ferguson said. By the time they awoke from their slumber it was too late. We were streets ahead and sailing off into the distance. The only way to halt our progress was to bum rush ffp through, hack our database and mount a sustained relentless media slur campaign.
I hope it we're successful in our case that we pursue our enemies with no mercy.
Great quote from Gandhi. Yep, that is what’s happened.
I need to hurry up writing my trilogy of philosophical blockbusters then:

Where God went wrong (the 2014 settlement),

Some more of God's greatest mistakes (the 2019 investigation and sanctions), and

Who is this God person anyway? (the 2023 PL allegations).
I am a god now ( 2024 resolution)
As a long time reader of this board I really like tolmie and enjoying reading his posts. However I can’t help but feel recently he just posts ambiguous stuff on Twitter to try and farm reactions. Throw enough shit and some of it will stick approach.
He has been quite adamant on this subject. It is hard to believe, given his record of good info, that he is miles out.
He did and he was right. To quote the great Mahatma Gandhi, " First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

The redshirts rested on their laurels convinced their unchallenged success would never end. "Noisy neighbours" as Ferguson said. By the time they awoke from their slumber it was too late. We were streets ahead and sailing off into the distance. The only way to halt our progress was to bum rush ffp through, hack our database and mount a sustained relentless media slur campaign.
I hope it we're successful in our case that we pursue our enemies with no mercy.
Brilliant post.
The media have changed their tune from saying were guilty to saying the charges are casting a shadow over the club.

This was always going to happen that the charges would be brought up again after we won the league. Pretty much everyone predicted that on here
Yes, the tune has altered slightly. Maybe letters were despatched after all, warning certain individuals of the some of the language they were using. Would be interesting to see one if so.

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